
"One way to verify that a crime is taking place is to, you know, call the police."

Ah yes, let's blame the 'system'. Obviously, this dbag is clearly in the wrong. But why can't people also be held somewhat accountable when they are knowingly giving away information via Facebook that relates to security questions? I totally agree the 'system' needs to change, but until it does, here's an idea for

Will it be available on the Nook and Kindle?

I think they're missing something

Just quitting is a bad idea. I've done that twice, and both times were during better economic times and it still took me months to find a new job and several more months to lose the anxiety that goes along with be unemployed. I try not to regret anything in life because it's a wasteful emotion, but if there's

I got up to step 4 before I realized that I don't own a Wii.

Do you think that the police and other emergency personnel on the scene would hassle him for walking on a motorway that is completely stopped for hundreds of yards, or would they A) deal with the emergency that caused the jam in the first place, or B) hassle the assholes who demonstrate their belief that they are more


Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray!

VOTE: DiningIn.com

Somebody switched the video to 'private'

As long as there isn't any fine print that would make a reasonable consumer concerned, I say good on Comcast (and that's rare for me to say). One point five megs down isn't horrible; it's plenty to start exploring the web and utilizing online resources for schoolwork, job searching, communicating with distant family,

So they bought 65000 blank CDs to do this? Couldn't they have used AOL CDs or something like that, instead of basically wasting new ones?

Matt's grammar makes me sad.

"Excuse me, may I tap you on the shoulder to tell you something you already should know?"

If we are to take the NYT's author for his word on the inventory list, Ms Poole doesn't wear underwear. That's hot.

That'd be a whole different kind of 'sliding in sideways'

If the infected computer is encrypted with encryption software, like Safeguard or TrueCrypt, would the data that hackers cyphon off (through http'ing or ftp'ing zipped data) be usable?

Hat tip to me for sending in this article last week.