I genuinely feel bad for that guy, and anyone else tortured by OCD like that.
I genuinely feel bad for that guy, and anyone else tortured by OCD like that.
Anyone know what kind of power and testosterone-inducing numbers this thing puts out?
@Mookie-Flav: Legalizing lane splitting will not make it any less dangerous or arrogant.
Anyone see the TV special about these events, "Brace For Impact"? It was a great show, and I'll be damned if it didn't have me holding back the tears.
@Alex Roy: What's the link for the torrents?
@shanebotwin: Wait, you mean the trash in which data tapes are thrown has body-image and self-confidence issues?
I don't know anything about car valuations, but I don't really see why it'd shoot up in value. Yes, it was on TV. But that skit isn't going to be very memorable after a short time passes.
So people at the dealership are calling the buyer "psycho" and that he "lost his mind," but the dealership is threatening a slander lawsuit?!?!
@oddfish: Why are you paying interest on something that will decrease in value?
I imagine Jay-Z is an engaging and interesting man. But just on his looks? Damn, he doesn't belong with BK.
@CoHPhasor: Sushi, literally, is slabs on fish flesh on rice. Sashimi is slabs of fish flesh with no rice. Maki are the rolls.
@kasakka: I've said exactly this to many of the users I support, and some just don't get it. They can't wrap their minds around the concept of two browsers used for different scenarios.
I know there are Blackberry apps that do the same kind of thing; and they're well reviewed. Does anyone know if there's a BB app that does this and is also free?
Uh, isn't a CTS-V sedan basically a 4 door Corvette (rear wheel drive, bags of torque, nice trans)?
@Talthybius: What are you talking about? AT&T and Tmobile are both GSM providers.
How 'bout carrying a spare charger in the future?
180MPH in a NASCAR race car around the Pocono loop.
@GldRush98: Why doesn't an unlocked Nexus One work on AT&T's 3G?
One time a couple years ago, I was really hard-up for some .... 'female companionship' ..... but I didn't have a driver's license. So I rode my bike to this nightclub and met this hot blond. She kinda had a drinking problem, but it looked like I was gonna get lucky, so I didn't care. With each shot she downed, she…
@OrtizDupri: Even if the article's author was only interested in comparing touchscreen phone, the Storm and Storm 2 are touchscreens. Admittedly, not RIM's best units, but still worth mentioning.