Almost perfect timing. My company's holiday party was this past weekend, and there was one guy who could've really used these tips.
Almost perfect timing. My company's holiday party was this past weekend, and there was one guy who could've really used these tips.
@BrisketKid: The latter: keep the accounts open (unless there are monthly/yearly fees that you aren't happy about paying) and just securely destroy the cards.
I never cancel any credit cards. Any I choose not to carry are locked in my safe. Generally, the more available credit you have (and the lower your used credit is), the higher your credit score is. And the age of your credit history for each account is certainly taken in to account for your credit score.
I've never tried this before - never really knew what it was. When I first enabled it, I said "This crap's blurry!" Now, only 5 minutes later, I'm liking it more and I think soon I'll really like it.
@ConstyXIV: If you want non-white listed people to have next to zero bandwidth, why not just block them entirely?
@benko: Are you sure that wasn't ...learned a lot more about the anatomy of women and the history of pianos... ?
The factory firmware in new Linksys WRT54Gs have QoS built in now.
@majortom1981: I think you also meant 'their' not 'there'. And a question mark at the end of your question, not a period.
For anyone that has more money than they have patience/time/computer skills, my mom got this from and she loves it. She'd be the first to tell you, if she can do it - anyone can. No computer necessary.
My only question for current owners is, do you have any concern about your devices flopping around inside the box and getting damaged from just thrashing around inside?
Please God, oh please, send us competition against Comcast.
@Recky: THANK YOU!!!! I was trying to get the Telnet instructions to work, but could not. This program will provide hours of entertainment for me.
I buy and sell often on CL. By this point, I have gotten pretty good at spotting scams at the first email. In my ads, I always make it clear that I only transact in person, but some people still don't get it.
I've found that 'a' versus 'an' is a common mistake.
Another question worth asking is: Are the features that are unique to 10.5 (and not available in 10.4) really worth the wait to the purchaser? If that person doesn't care about those particular enhancements, then why wait?
I have been on a fruitless search to find a way to have iCal send its email reminders through Thunderbird, not Mac Mail. Anyone know how to do this?
Will I get a corner office, should I accept your offer?
Gates has got to be smoking crack if he thinks I am willingly going to trust my medical information to his company.
Wifey and I approached it a different way. We bought the biggest LCD that would fit in the opening in our entertainment unit. Turned out to be a 32" Westinghouse HD LCD, and it fits perfectly. There's about 1" of space on all 4 sides. We sit on the other side of a small livingroom from it, and it's great.
I've always used this site.