That's just asking to be spammed.
That's just asking to be spammed.
Customers of State Farm that have their online profile setup with their account can file Federal and state taxes FREE. Once you've signed in to the State Farm website, there's a link on the very left that goes to Turbo Tax. I used the Deduction Maximizer free as well.
Will be very useful when I compete in The Amazing Race.
As long as the backup system in place for all these files is practically bulletproof, I say go for it.
*write on the cardboard.....
I buy 3-month filters for my heater/AC and white on the cardboard frame the date that I put it in, so I can see it. Then I know when three months comes due.
My technique of choice is to sleep with the boss then blackmail him.
Kewl! Me wantie.
@Posco Grubb:
In addition to have some plants in each room, we use a Filtrete Ultra filter on our central heat/AC unit. It captures a lot of particles normal filters let through.
I think one of the keys to being a good negotiator is making the other party think you are able to walk away from the deal if you don't get what you want.
I like Dell's wireless utility, which is basically the same as Intel's.
Is there a way to use this extension to send NDR's (non-delivery receipts, a.k.a. bounce-back's) back to the sender, as if their message never arrived to me?
I recommend to everyone who asks that they should never click on any links in any email like that. Ever. Ever. If they do have an account with that institution, then they should call the Customer Service number.
I wouldn't really call that a home 'security' system, maybe a home monitoring system. To me, 'security system' invoked images of an off-site monitoring company summoning the police when necessary.
- Get a secured credit card
The GodFather. End of story.
Money origami is fun. My brother gave me two $50 bills folded in to rings at my wedding - nice touch.
This place should be called Lifesaver, not Lifehacker.
I think the quoted statistics are due to the fact that most people use Windows computers.