Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.
Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.
Well, they are no longer blue jeans for sure.
To me, he looks of an indeterminant age but soaked in evil.
Free Steve!
We need to airlift Steve Pool away from that disaster zone.
I have family who worked local news for Sinclair, and I despise that company. I wouldn’t piss on it if it was on fire.
I also vote for DST permanence. More evening sun is always preferred, even if it wouldn’t get light until 9:30 AM.
I’m a big PST fan, living in Seattle having it be basically light out at 1opm in the summer is pretty rad.
Extend daylight savings time in the Eastern time zone for the whole year! Who cares if it’s dark in the morning? We should all be sleeping in anyway. Let’s make more use of our precious winter daylight hours in the afternoon/evening when we should all be doing stuff.
Because all schools care about is what % of the dots the kids fill out correctly on the standardized tests. As for why don’t they make school more engaging, aside from the above, I feel it’s twofold.
I feel exactly the same as you about Westworld, but I will keep watching it, for reasons I’m not sure about. (It looks cool? I want to support Evan Rachel Wood and Shannon Woodward? I’m here for Thandie Newton as a revenge-driven bad-ass rebel?) But Legion season 1 was the shit, can’t wait for that to start up again.
“Me and the missus made America great again, last night. And we made America so great that the snowflake neighbors came over to tell us to stop making it so great so late at night, the bunch of cuckle-fucks.”
If he didn’t personally identify her and just described her “condition,” he didn’t violate HIPAA. If she hadn’t tweeted “Hey, that’s me!” no one would have known it was her.
Says the man, who is guarded 24/27 by the Secret Service. Also his entire, worthless, extended family.
She’s got resting derp face.
“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.”
His death was made abundantly clear in the midseason finale like, 8 weeks ago. This isn’t a spoiler.
Seems like it would be easier/faster to just learn how to program, and then turn the entire thing into a computer game, and then play THAT.