Watch out - this kind of comment gets you all sorts of shit on, in a Bezos thread.*
I mean you can make fun of the guy for having a “toy” like this but you know what? This project has employed hundreds of people in the hard hit marine sector and will continue to employee lots of people for the substantial on-going maintenance that will be required. Captains, engineers, all the other crew, the ports…
Seriously, I’m all for hating on billionaries, but as billionaire yachts go, this is pretty cool.
Thank god. I thought we were only going to have one story about Wordle on this page today. Glad we’re at 2, hopefully we can get to 5 before the day’s end.
He can win in Indy, IMSA and Dancing with the Stars! This man is a juggernaut!
This is the weirdest take I’ve seen in a long time.
Even before some of these, it just... wasn’t a very good game
Poor PC players, you’ll not get any sympathy out of me. Pony up or wait.
Holy shit, imagine being an “automative journalist” and having this bad of a take on F1. Wow.
Better. If you’re one of the millions with a PS5, you now have more cover options.
Congrats, you managed to write a 383 word summary of a 7 word update. Did you lose bet or something?
Bravo! I was expecting a slideshow I was instantly going to close when I clicked this article. This is great!
To whomever made the comment why Giz posts Amazon deals every day but complains about them....
To whomever made the comment why Giz posts Amazon deals every day but complains about them....