
Manilow perhaps?

Isn’t the next line, “She uses Vaseline...?”

I think Merkel is wondering the same thing.

The question is why is she there at all when she has no title. No office (at the time, she didn’t). No clearance (again, at the time). What is Ivanka’s job? What are her responsibilities? Basically, why is she there?

It has turned into a limbo contest.

And I thought every time Mexico refused to pay, the wall would get 10 feet higher! Shouldn’t it be like 2,000 ft tall by now? Sheesh, talk about not following through on promises...

I like to think of her as Our Lady of Bowling Green.

Don’t get me started on sledding. The last time I took my son sledding at a local park, a little girl crashed right into a tree and was taken away by ambulance. Yikes. But yes you should definitely be able to bail when things are looking dicey.

I know... This world is weird

Glad that Kim K’s posted that... I believe her audience is not political, or even republican, which means that she has a basis for educating them. Facts! They still exist.

Wow... maybe they really were all out of dresses in DC?

She looks like a majorette, ready to twirl her baton at the head of Trump’s tremendous military parades

HA!!!!! I swear I used to have that skirt in orange as a weird teen. I bought it at Hot Topic on sale for $4.99. I remember it well because I couldn’t believe my luck.