
So, is anyone else hoping they did a CGI de-aging on Matt Frewer and not makeup? Somehow that's more fitting.

Yeah, I was convinced he was Jerry's based on the facial features/hair coloring but with what Doc Hayward said…

Somehow the guy (I think the one who had been in the cell next to William Hastings?) coming up behind Lt. Knox while she was talking with Col. Davis was incredibly scary. I don't know if it was the static or the haunted houses the hospital near me used to do (it was over 100 years old) but *shiver*.

No, it's not just you, indiscriminate slaughter of innocents with chemical weapons for example. It was more that they seemed to try to at least half-heartedly connect it to a class-based issue. The gas attack is initiated at an aristocratic party, the generals say that the point of soldiers is for them to die, the

Yeah, that's something from the 2011 comics series… I admit I kind of preferred it with the original/post-crisis versions where she was given gifts primarily by the goddesses, though also Hermes.

I figured it was because you could argue some moral ambiguity of most actors in the conflict. It's kinda 100% impossible to do that with the Nazi's…

I didn't think it was a tree, I thought it was a neuron. The head would likely be the nucleus and that was why there were the sparks like electricity. Though, thinking about it more, the head *could* have been a synapse rather than the nucleus.

They did finally do the movie, it was a very strong episode.

I've heard that Fire Talk With Me is up now. I like them a lot, though they don't update their twitter it looks like. https://twitter.com/firetal…

It's more that it's fresh in my mind and can search in the kindle version. They've just re-released it to go with the new show now though. So if anyone wants to read it it's only about $9 US for a paperback and $1.99 US for the kindle edition rather than the high resale prices. I found that out last night and snagged

I feel terrible that I want to call the doppelganger Booper now because of Gravity Falls. But at the same time I don't feel wrong.

Looking at the book (I'm so happy it's available on the kindle now) it says "His colors are cinnamon red and deep brown, and his eyes are big and sweet." Grey (white) horses have a lot of symbolism attached to them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Definitely I'd agree that they're pretty needed to understanding the context. Oddly, I've found that the books might also be pretty helpful. There's a picture in the new book that you have to filter with a camera, but it shows something that appeared last night.

It actually seemed to me that Matthew Lillard's character wasn't possessed by BOB based on the interaction he had in the jail. His fingerprints were there for much more mundane, and far less sinister, reasons (but still ones he didn't want to reveal to his friend or wife).

I've actually found at least one planet with snowy mountains and areas of arctic tundra. Interestingly it was the one that had the biggest predators (large elephant sized) on it, deep oceans and storms. So far I've only found one place with an earth-like atmosphere and flora though. It's a moon and looks like it

The thing with spore, for me, was the choices of your evolution were really simplified and limited from what I remember. They were binary and there was a lot that ended up causing you to be in an evolutionary dead-end VERY quickly. That means you spend a lot of time in the early part of the game and it was very hard

I mean, we know it SHOULD be able to do mapping because when it pulls out to show you a new waypoint's general direction it will show a top-down map. I'm not saying it needs to show everything, but something on a similar detail level would be nice, even if it was only available from your ship. Upgrades to allow it to

I think this review is closest to my feelings on the game. I actually went into it (and I'm being serious with this), even with everything they said about it, hoping for massive landscapes with gorgeous skies, mining, inventory management, trading and a sense of solitude. I got those. I was devouring every press thing

Yeah, it definitely was a movie that was better if you were tied into at least some of the Gothic Romance/Horror background. The movie did at least give a primer in the introduction, but there was definitely a difference in how it read for my husband and myself than our friends who aren't familiar.

re: the demonizing of Mexico, I thiught that was well handled with the conversation between del Toro and Blunt where he says (paraphrase) that they are clever with how they kill people because it makes others think that the people who died must also have been bad (which applies equally well to the cartels and the US