Heather Henderson Bermingham

I wonder if she's also just tired, playing pretty much back-to-back. That's a lot of trying to cover your emotions for someone who obviously doesn't find that an easy thing to do. She might have been better off taking a break before returning.

Hot damn, I wanted to make out with Alfred tonight so bad.

I'm still watching the episode but holy cow, is Kristina literally the only adult who works at this school? Jeez.

If Jasmine figured out a way to get three people from California to Orlando and into a major amusement park along with food and accommodations on like, four days notice, for $2,000 well, I need her to plan all my vacations. But in seriousness, I agree that it was a nice moment for Jasmine and some indication that she

I don't really have anything to add except that that was a great comment and perfectly sums up why I loved them so much.

I'm sure it's true that some people found Sun and Jin to be a bore, but I just can't imagine. I always loved their episodes. And daaaaang that picture up top of Jin with the flower. Dang.

Oh, man. "Moses Supposes" is my favorite number from "Singin' in the Rain" now but when I was a kid nothing got me like Donald O'Connor running into the brick wall and then trying to re-adjust his nose and mouth. I watched this song over and over just for that. It still tickles me.

For the people questioning how hard it would be to find a good setting for Max in most places, it really would be incredibly hard. He's exactly the kind of kid who's toughest to program for because the choices really do often come down to settings where he's far higher functioning than his classmates and settings

I would say Crosby *is* a little dense and insensitive - he let a rock star bulldoze his way into his house regardless of his wife's feelings - but even if he wasn't, I can totally buy him not making a connection between Hank and Max. After all, Kristina didn't make a connection until Adam brought up the possibility

I think Crosby's insensitivity was based on him not making the connection between Max and Hank that Adam was. I really liked that scene and thought it was a nice correlation to the scene with Adam and Kristina talking about Max's future in relation to Hank. Crosby's reaction to Hank is as much a peek at Max's

I hate immunity this late. I hate team challenges this late. At this point, every chef should be cooking for themselves without needing to worry about how they're affecting other chefs. I wish Nick had resigned because I love Stephanie, but I don't blame him for not doing so. I wouldn't have either. In closing, I

I've been able to mostly not think too hard about the election storyline up until now but this week with the videos, the press lying in wait for Adam, the press conference, it was just too much. I hope it goes away fast.

Ugh, yes. I was coming here to say this exact thing. I appreciate that one of the kids really sees Camille's side of things, and I appreciate that the show is depicting a mother who just isn't fulfilled by being a stay-at-home parent, but they're laying on the "no one appreciates me" stuff SO thick with Julia when

Yeah, I had the same thought as Todd.  There are a MILLION more engaging things Victor could be reading than "Island of the Blue Dolphins."  Not to mention that it's at a fairly high reading level and well over his head.  That's no way to build his confidence.  Give him a stack of Matt Christopher books or something.