Yet you read it anyway….
Yet you read it anyway….
This is such a poorly-patched review. The answer to not liking the plot trajectory of a character is to hold the writers of the show accountable, not the actor. Actors have the least amount of power in terms of show hierarchy. Anyone who writes a recap/review for a site that wants to be taken seriously would do well…
Why would you encourage physical violence to a character who is NOT a criminal and hasn't done anything wrong. She's being mistreated by everyone lying to her. You have some other motivations and prejudices at play here….
From what I read on Tumblr (because I refuse to watch this dreck), the writers actually had the nerve to further degrade Abbie by getting her to side with Orion initially, which made his reveal as a sketchy player undermine her logic to Katrina's betrayal. So between the wanna-be Castiel rip off, Zena's signature…