This Machine Understands the Economic Anxiety of Fascists

situating a diverse ensemble around a white character will help make the show more palatable to viewers across color lines,


This is one of the few cases where I don’t doubt that the person who did this was some schmuck kid/young adult who was trying to troll people. You are in Brooklyn and out of all the places to tag your anti-Semitic hate, you tag a children’s playground who happens to be named after one of the Beastie Boys. Also, you

Dear Paul Ryan

this exactly. I knew they were out there. it is the people who didn’t show up for Hillary when Obama begged them to. they just didn’t seem to care.

Yes, tough to come up with a perfect 1 to 1 comparison. Maybe if a Democratic nominee flirted with the idea of communism the way Trump flirts with fascism? My point is just that if there was some Democratic nominee like that, I think I would have a hard time resisting the thought process of “there are checks and

Just before the final out, my 95 year old grampa, veteran of two wars, cancer survivor, and long-suffering cubs fan, pulled me aside and, with a tear forming in his steel grey eyes, said, “The blacks ruined this neighborhood and your sister dresses like a whore.” This was for him.

A lot of reviewers online are pointing to the fact that Lawrence is also El Lazo as proof that this show happens in two different timelines or that there are multiples of the same host but I don’t see it that way.

I get it, this raspy-voiced, somewhat curmudgeony, old white dude isn’t popular around these parts but I’m not ashamed to admit I absolutely love him and have since I first heard him as a kid. My parents were of that era and had pretty great taste in music but Dylan was a glaring omission in their collection so it

only if you’re an idiot. you can still be a great kid and get a little drunk and do a little coke

I’m still waiting for The Great Canadian Take-Off, where the country’s biggest hosers are officially exiled.