This Machine Understands the Economic Anxiety of Fascists

“Some dude” is probably as good a description of Mac Miller as you’re going to get.

Bush 41 was Evil.

Would any of you stick around in a relationship where you’re getting off like 20% of the time?

I actually think it’s really important that we do have a frank discussion about where people use the bathroom that’s respectful of all points of view so that in 15 years after I sell my children into slavery on the New Mexico coast for two gallons of low-radiation water I know where to begin the urine recycling

To be honest, I’m just happy to have some sort of explanation for De Niro’s career choices.

It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

DeVos proudly believes that all students, gay or straight, cisgender or transgendered, should be able to pay to use the school bathroom of their choice.

Just think of all of the Midwestern economic uncertainty picking on already bullied teenagers will resolve.

Cutler is making elite QB money while probably past his elite QB days

There are very few things as funny in life as imagining Jimmy Buss being fired by his Sister.

Now playing

I know it can be seen to be in bad taste given the circumstances of what happened but my favourite is still probably “I Hate Myself and Wanna Die”

I have a backlog of about 8-10 games I started, didn’t finish and then moved onto the shiny new thing so I could be part of the conversation.

Actually I goofed. I meant to respond to someone else. I was more just talking about the Mallmann episode (and its kind of silly pretentiousness) than guessing if that’s the one you went to.

Was it the one with the Argentinian chef where he didn’t even have a restaurant? Where it was like “Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to be invited somewhere he’s cooking, maybe you won’t! Probably not though, because you’re a filthy, non-world travelling peasant.”

Sigh, you compared a country to a city and I told you Honduras is a major drug trafficking center.

Look at American then, when adjusted for income black people still commit far more murder than other groups in America.

The numbers are actually all over the place, which means there is not a strong correlation between poverty and violent crime. You can’t say that poverty creates violent crime, because there are too many instances where it does not.

That’s not actually true. The murder rate in quite a few Asian countries is higher than it is in the USA. And, to hazard a guess, I’d suppose within those countries it’s higher in poor communities than elsewhere.

I can’t say what I would have done in a situation other than my own. If I had been raised somewhere that selling drugs meant encroaching on gang territory, for instance, or where gang activity was prevalent regardless.