
When you replace every part of your 1989 BMW E30 with a new part over the course of half a year and counting, is it still your 1989 BMW E30?

Not since pot was made legal here! 0:)

I thought putting you to sleep is what Corollas were for. Like the grains of sand thrown by the sandman.

When a car has a salvage title, will insurance companies typically insure it? Is it generally worth that hassle or are you better off leaving it ‘illeagal’ for the road (I live in a state with mandatory minimum insurance) and driving it only in David’s back yard? For example, some earlier models years of the Audi R8

Wait, has David lied to me? It’s possible to get used Jeeps that are not composed of half their weight in rust? The way David portrays it, I just thought Jeep sold their vehicles off their lots with rust built in!

I turned 30 this year and while I don’t feel ‘old’ per say, I am definitely not ‘young’ anymore. I guess we can split the difference and call it ‘Adult’.

They sell full sized Mr Goodbars at my company’s corner store.  It’s the first time in my life I’d ever seen one.  No idea how long they’ve been sitting on that shelf though.

It’s also ridiculously stale and awful tasting when you do. I seriously didn’t think I liked marshmallows in anything but hot chocolate growing up. I made them myself once (following Alton Brown’s recipe) and they tasted completely different and I was hooked. Like others have said, if you have a good candy thermometer

They really are simple. I make them multiple times a year because of that episode. The messiest part was the confectioner’s sugar. I also change corn syrup to 100% real maple syrup for better flavors, plus I usually have that and not corn syrup just laying around.

Counterpoint: Homemade marshmallows are 100x better than anything you’ll ever buy as long as you follow 3 tips: 1 watch the Alton Brown good eats episode on making it, it is literally as simple as he makes it seem. 2. use 100% real maple syrup instead of corn syrup for maple flavor instead of just ‘sugar’ flavor (the

Subaru took them all.

Seriously? As a fellow engineer, your school did you a disservice by not teaching you to get it down to 30 seconds of conversation followed by 45min and 30 seconds of awkward silence. You gotta turn your degree over and demand your money back.

Now playing

Actually, tipping in America hasn’t even been around for 100 years. It was actually considered undemocratic to take tips as they were viewed as bribes for better service. When the prohibition hit, restaurant owners encouraged staff to take those tips so they could save on wage costs to make up for the loss of alcohol

Went to RIT and gotta say, I miss Rochester. My recommendations; Wild wings in Mendon Ponds Park... as well as Mendon Ponds park. It’s a nice bit of nature where you can go to a non-profit and learn about birds of prey. They even had 2 bald eagles last time I visited too long ago.

I’m reminded of the following paraphrased quote from the History of Rome podcast “With Hardian’s wall separating them from the Romans, the Scots would be able to focus on their eternal struggle with their mortal enemy, the Scots.”

How dare you besmirch such fine journalistic integrity of The Take Out with your vicious lies! I’m sure your colleagues will correct you and teach you the proper way to eat pizza with a fork and knife. Even our Glorious Orange Genius*-in-chief know that you use a fork and knife to break apart pizza into small pieces

As a former white teenage boy (damn it, time!) who was forced to attend both Roman Catholic white church and later Lutheran white church until I was able to go to Atheist church (none) in college, and a Archer avatar to match the Lana avatar, I can say that MajorBurn’s assessment is 100% accurate.

Michael Bluth: Well this blew up in my face

Cool! Thanks for answering my grey question!

Serious Question: With all the problems the UAW has with its leadership, I could see some employees not wanting to join the UAW while still organizing. Is there an alternate union in the United States for auto workers? Like, could employees at an automaker decide to organize without the UAW?