
Unlike Monty Python, you'll have a hard time beginning at the beginning if you're a completist. Many major comic book stories have been running for decades and they've changed so much over the years that you'll probably never go back to the start. Instead, you'll want to start by getting a little context—reading some

Ok, this seems like the place to ask. I'm just getting into reading comic books (Chew, Saga, Morning Glories, Green Lantern, GLCorps, Ms Marvel (2014), Captain Marvel, ect) but I've loved spider man since I saw the animated cartoon as a kid. That said I never had an interest in his comic books. Now I heard about the

I'm researching your research methods about how you know what I'm researching.


Mark, you need to update your article. Your sister site, Gizmodo, already debunked the photo. But the Story is totally true and heart warming. Except lots of people make these. But it's still cute...

Well... there goes my dream of being important enough to be interviewed on the daily show by Jon Stewert

HEY! Ron Swanson does NOT approve of stealing. Unless it's from those horrible people in the government who do nothing but steal your money to waste on frivolous tasks that the market could take care of better. Like filling in pot holes.

Besides, Spiders are arachnids (not insects) and eat insects. In the war against bugs, I want spiders on my side. Just keep them to my far side. No, father to my side. Little farther... just a bit more... keep going...

(don't click) (you clicked, didn't you?)

Even the dog is frightened by Paula Dean's face.

I stand corrected, I'm obviously not a farmer. The point of my post, which I'm not sure you understood, is that farmers needed breakfast, office workers who get up at 6/7 probably don't need to eat until much later in the morning or maybe lunch time, about the same time difference as farmers who get up much earlier.

Interesting anecdote: American farmers in the early 20th century woke up around 4 am, worked the fields, and ate breakfast at about 8am. Move the times around to waking up at 6:30, and that pretty much matches your eating habits. There were 3 meals because it was (and still is) hard, manual labor with long hours


I hope you wipe the finger scanner every time you use it. It is ridiculously easy to get a fingerprint off those things and then open it. Some play-dough and fingerprinting powder (like cocoa powder) will do it.

Two winters ago I remember seeing on the local news that someone had been shot because of a parking space. On Christmas eve. Granted, there were about two feet of snow, someone spend two hours shoveling the space out, went to get his car, and some asshole had stolen the spot by the time he had returned literally 2

This story, and the castration clip from hard candy, did exactly that to me.

Cheesecake has cake in the name. It's a cake. Just like pancakes.

But not really. If you had saved that money in a regular savings or even money market account, that $250-500 a year would only net you less than 10 cents a year. If you had invested it, then your money is not only at the whim of the stock market where you might actually loose money, but you would also get taxed

Congratulations on both appropriate gifs and summing up all of my feels about this article so succinctly. You've won the internet today!

I know this is supposed to be anime Mechs, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I really wanted to see the Megazord in this for some reason.