DeltaEchoBravo: FuckCancerGirl’s Secret Identity

I feel like a pouty child; “It’s just not fair!” as I stomp my little foot on to the floor boards. I feel like I should have ringlets and a pinafore. 

Thank-you for the link. I just finished reading it. Excellent work.  

I was being sarcastic; it didn’t convey, sorry! I absolutely know why.

I can’t imagine why the Academy at large wouldn’t vote for that.

It is. What pissed me off most was that it was an integral part of the movie, almost a character in itself. There wouldn’t have been A Mighty Wind without A Kiss. Annie Lennox’s song only played over the credits, and did nothing to enhance the film.

Go home, Zuckerberg. 

Catnip? Bed of grass?

The same reason that dreary Annie Lennox song that played over the credits in the last Lord of the Rings movie that had nothing to do with the film, beat out the beautiful, sweet A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow which was a crucial part of Christopher Guest’s A Mighty Wind. The Academy is stupid. 

Oh my God, yessssssss. 

David Spade is, has been and always will be, a pig. 

Meh. I laughed. 

Mother of God. 

Waiting for you? That’s what you’re going to be whipped with, son. 

Subtle. I like it. 

The lad clearly needs a hug. And a smack up the back of the head. But hugs, too. 

Ha! That’s what I always say (I’m old. I remember the Bundy trials). “You know who had friends? Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy had friends,” anytime someone says anything remotely near, “Oh, s/he’s so great. I just can’t see them doing that!” I can. I can believe it. 

Thank-you! I was thinking about that the other day and I couldn’t remember which batshit celebrity believed it. It didn’t help I was mis-remembering it as 1x0=1 🙄 You have eased my anxiety on the subject, which, mysteriously, was sky-high. Thanks for latching onto that piece of weirdo trivia, brain.

Ok, wife-beater. 

Thank-you. You’re smart. 

Your Nana killed people?