Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout

quick bit of math turns up 256 PPI but i'm not sure I did it right.

This is the current top contender for my next Phone (after my Desire contract expires in September) of course by then something better may have come along (quad core ???)

Thought you'd never offer. Black with 2 sugars please.

what's a yatch?

I knew someone would say that, but even for green tea it looks weak (to me at least). I suppose it could be some kind of herbal tea, or as previously stated, urine.

@carpe_k9006: Hey, we need to get you on the first plane to Japan. There is a great need over there right now for stupid morons who make no valid contribution to the human race to be used as radiation shielding.

Seeing as this looks like sraight urine it can't have much if any "tea flavouring" in it. As a tea drinker my urine probably has a higher teas content then this.

That looks like VERY weak Tea. Either that or a urine sample.

That looks like VERY weak Tea. Either that or a urine sample.

@IronicalBalls: Shouldn't your question be " Why isn't the rest of the US media covering the "Fukushima 50"?" since Kat lists non US sources for this article.

Real genuine heroism.

Was the clocks software made by Apple?

Ok, I accept your definition is better than mine however a standard had still been defined which these networks do not reach. I still think it is wrong to change the definition of a standard but I guess the error was in the use of "Generation" in the naming scheme. This is a new generation of hardware (in the case of

So, by your definition, since it is hard to become a millionaire the definition of a million should be reduced to 1 followed by 4 zero's to allow more people to be able to claim they are millionaires. If a standard has been defined you don't change the standard but retain the name otherwise you may as well not bother

@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: Its 4 GB and that's only for program storage. Android phones generally have removable storage for music etc.

No, most of the people who lose their jobs will be ordinary working men and women since any organisation has lots of them at the bottom who will be sacrificed before anyone at the top.

Personally. I have little problem with the music INDUSTRY being killed. Since music can now be distributed at very low cost by it's creators and they can receive payment for it directly. The whole purpose of the INDUSTRY was to make money to support the INDUSTRY with the artists being relegated to the role of product.

Only because the standards body decided to move the goalposts. The previous definition of 4G is way above what is currently available but "On December 6, 2010, ITU announced that current versions of LTE, WiMax and other evolved 3G technologies that do not fulfill "IMT-Advanced" requirements could be considered "4G",

The reason this happens is simple.The other networks started saying they had 4G (non of them correctly) so AT&T had to have it too. Just because theirs is the biggest lie,doesn't make any of the others any less guilty. This sort of behaviour will continue until it is regulated against or until someone educates the