
“Hello Mrs. Pants!”

I stillam amazed that Ennio Morricone wrote the theme song. The money must have been good.

Then you are a failure as an American.

He told the NFL they must outlaw (dumb choice of words) players’ protests. So yeah, you’re wrong.

The message where he said to outaw the rights of the people protesting. Right. Gotcha.

Jesus christ almighty. I am choking back vomit. I used to read Taibbi somewhere I think, for political posts.

Just par for the course in Trump’s new Gilded Age. The corporatism has been going on forever, but in late 2016 it was formally coronated.

...how did Ralph hold a helicopter in place while standing? They should have made him wrap his other arm and his legs around a lamppost or a dumpster or something, and have it threaten to pull out of the ground. He’s not The Blob with super sticking-to-the-floor powers.

DC? Have huge continuity errors in a major event? Nah.

Ohhhhhhhhh. I always thought when Sue ‘heard a noise’ it was micro-Jean making a tiny puncture in Sue’s eardrum in order to go through her ear into her skull and her brain. And I always assumed she meant to threaten Sue’s life convincingly or, you know, kill her, because she was fucking NUTS, and that explained the

I mean yeah all the South is a joke and an embarassment, but the fucking cavemen Texas puts in power are somethin’ else. Really wish Dick Perry had gone through with the secession. So we could have just jailed him for sedition.

I couldn’t finish the 52 event. Which subplot and plot hole are you referring to? I’m genuinely curious. Because that was all the beginning of the end for DC’s place in my pull list.

Take a whole bunch of photos of that movement from your behind. A photo dump. Make a real commode-tion about it.

Put on some music and dance to enjoy the emotional pain this is causing Trump and his little Trumpkins! Since this is ony the beginning of things falling into place one after another, I suggest “Domino Dancing” by the Pet Shop Boys.

Sharpied? No. Branded.

Great, then with your plan we’ll have Peace In Our Time.

We are better than them because we don’t believe in racial or religious or sexual genocide. We can hate them as much as we want and still we are better than them. It’s ok to hate evil.

It’s an issue with them, not us. They’re Nazis, uniform or not. Therefore they’re not American citizens as far as I care. They’re traitors and terrorists.

It’s war. They’re Nazis. They are at war with America.

Yeah yeah podcast real cool brah