
She was too cutesy and cheerful for me. At that age, Cyndi Lauper was on the wane, and so my teenage mopey heart was torn between crushing on Suzanne Vega with her cute front teeth gap and Left of Center jangle, and the short spiky haired Martika with her sad pop about drug abuse.

Due to long-term disability due to injury, I don’t go out much anymore these last few years. But I still get to watch all my friends go out together or to a club or to a house cocktail party or something. I get to see life go by on Facebook, which I am still on to talk to a few friends who have moved away, and to

That’s my point, Mr. Enz Logo. It was vacuous teen pop crap, but at least she could write and sing. You are right though, Tiffany was way worse, but I thought nobody would even remember her by name. But both were better than some junkie golddigger Kardashian hanger-on.

Remember when we considered Debbie Gibson the epitome of vacuous female pop stars? At least she could fucking do her job, bubblegum pop crap though it was.

Oh I believe it happened. And I believe it’s likely the first time she’s ever felt bad for a rape victim. After all, she wanted a known sexual predator, possible serial rapist, and accused pedophile rapist as king of our land.

Well, that’s true, but your father was kind of a dick what with handing you over to the Daleks for experimentation. Even if they did promise him the secret of turning lead into gold.

Are you sure they’re not Goop Paltrow brand vajayjay eggs?

A blow to the head with a lead pipe.

Says the woman whose every flight anywhere ended in being chased by monsters...

I expected a caption like “Don’t worry, it’s empty” or something.

It’ll be a long time until we get to anything close to ‘normal’ again, and there will be horrors before it. But keep up hope that millions of just and honest people can bring him crashing down. With enough public pressure things can change. And Mueller is not fucking around.

Well you know the old saying. IOKIYAR. It’s OK if you are Republinazi. They’re all either actively fascist or passively complicit and loving it. This is no different than their sick memes and politcal propaganda cartoons of Trump as a sleek muscled god riding a tank killing his ‘enemies’ and ‘lessers’.

And you just know if there was a reverse version of that gif, and any civilian posted it on Twitter, this fat subhuman sack of shit would have the Secret Service on them in seconds.

Can we fast forward to her fatal OD already?

That photo just says “durrrrrr” if ever one did.

I couldn’t help it, the more I see those beady eyes and her teeth in her always-slightly-open mouth, probably mouth-breathing because her nose was shaved down to a point (like Opus the penguin once had done), she looks like a human/rat hybrid.

Princess Ratmask would never wear something not made by her own brand’s ripoff artists.

So ... remind me, when did Trumples apologize to Obama for the birtherism? Or to any of us for anything?

I didn’t buy it and Bethesda still installed 2GB of it without asking.