Troll lo lol lo lol. Nice try.
Troll lo lol lo lol. Nice try.
It's not her problem to solve, though. Also, I don't understand this "most activists don't do anything" type of sentiment. It's usually spoken by those who really aren't doing anything nor being anything intelligent to the conversation. It's a means to derail discussion and action.
Jay Smooth on the effects of considering racist versus non-racist a binary distinction as opposed to a continuum, the implications for discourse, and his suggestions for how to make use of the insight down in the trenches:
You called those women "fucking paranoid".
You must live a lucky enough life to not notice it.
Totes. Honestly, she is a treasure. The whole family gets a bad rap - they are the LEAST distasteful reality TV family I've ever seen, burps and farts included.
While I have come to the conclusion that I'll never have the opportunity to look at wedding dresses, if I did get married it would be in a giant, hideous, puffy sleeved 80s wedding dress.
I haven't seen the show (because I suspect it would change my mind) but I've seen clips and Honey Boo Boo's mom is a hilarious and self-aware delight and she can get married in whatever the fuck she wants, OKAYYYYYYY?
We had an anti-vaxxer in my sons elementary school. This woman just LIVED for sharing her crazy with other unsuspecting Moms.
You forgot to add that "real Americans" also don't happen to live in New York or Vermont or California.
I feel like Chris Evans's shoulder to waist ratio would distract from any kid-idolizing weirdness during banging.
Neither, it means a male assigned at birth person who identifies as a woman (yes, that is different from what you wrote, because "man" and "woman" are social constructs, and while "female" and "male" are often presented as objective facts, many individuals object to that, so the assignment by a doctor at birth and…
It's almost as if we have a varied site with numerous things to offer. Imagine that.
Yes, it reads like an anti-woman rant to me. What's wrong with these women building lifestyle brands? I fail to see why that's something to criticize. Granted, Gwyneth often comes across as out of touch (and it amuses me) but apparently she has an audience, so fair play to her. JFC, Jessica Simpson has built a billion…
Yes. Here we are mocking other women for being entrepreneurs.
I totally feel you on the dates. The author comes off as a straight-up asshole. I hate the tone of this article, as well. It just seems like almost ridicule (again, the dates). I am so serious when I say Jezebel's better off hiring Jezzies!
yeah these are all pretty much really smart businesswomen
Not now, not ever.
Phoenix isn't over-burdened with the fastidious need for fairness or accuracy.
Is it me or does this read like a really anti-woman rant? I am not a fan of any of these actresses but I don't get the tone of this piece. And the 'facts' seem to be a bit disingenuous. Like the dates of their last major movie roles are far from accurate.