Ok, days late, but semi relevant - my wife is a Francophone and in her words, when speaking in English, she often “puts the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLABle”.
So, has anyone else seen the comments about how all the “femi-nazis” were up in arms over the rape scenes, but no one cared that they burned a child alive in this episode?
Regardless of whether or not it is true to medieval times, all of the shit that goes down on GoT is true to the tone it has established: the world is brutal and depraved and no one is safe from it or above it. While I don’t enjoy seeing it, I don’t feel that the brutality is for nothing. It’s definitely playing a role…
Seriously, the show ruined the sand snakes and the entire Dorne story line.
I actually think sending Ser Davos away was the kindest thing I've ever seen Stanis do.
There’s a great Ghanaian restaurant down the block from work. I’ve never had trouble communercatin’, but I get a kick out of the way they do business: no prices on the menu, and they size you up to determine how much you should pay. The Yelp reviews are hilarious.
I have been waiting for this ALL DAY.
Even when Melisandre was lighting the fire to kill Shireen the look on her face was like “wtf am I doing”
Do we have any real reason to believe that Melisandre knows what she’s doing? Sure, she has magic powers (shadow baby!) but like, by the very virtue of hitching herself to Stannis, isn’t she kind of proving herself to be an unreliable character? You’d think someone with the full power of the Lord of Light would pick…
Oh, you are probably right. I guess that’s fine. I was still finishing my coffee when I wrote that.
I think depending on the municipality you’re in it’s an extra charge for anything other than “she takes his name”. (Though I can’t speak to how same sex marriage works.)
guys but WAS THE PILOT a basic bitch tho
..... The space between a normal douche whining on an airplane and Kate Moss calling you a basic bitch for refusing her alcohol is so wide you could bury the Mariana trench in it sideways and still have space for a couch.
That’s a great example for illustrating how it might feel to an anti-gay Christian, but a really unfortunate example for designing laws around. The only reason to put a picture of the Prophet on a cake is to be a trolling asshole. If I’m a baker and someone makes that request I tell them no, that’s an asshole move.…
It does take a special kind of asshole to hold this job.
Thanks, I have actually learned a lot from you and other commenters and realize how wrong I was about some things.. I agree with you now and understand this situation in a new way. I appreciate your words and patience!
My husband and son are from Ghana, and I lived there for a couple years. It’s funny how you get used to it and it seems normal. My husband called into work for me once years ago and a coworker said he had a thick accent and could barely understand him, but to me is normal. When his son first came here, at 14, he knew…
One of my professors for summer semester is from Ghana, and she tends to chuckle (and make me chuckle too!) and say, “British English!” when there’s something that she pronounces that confuses most of the students in our class. (I’ve been stumped a couple times too ;-))