
Still the best Banner.

Meg Murry from “A Wrinkle in Time.” I was an ugly little nerd & weirdo & (it felt like I was) constantly made fun of by, well, everyone, even friends & teachers.

Even in AP history (in a school near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for chrissakes) I got the states’ rights garbage & was caught that slavery-as-cause was Union basically grafted-on propaganda adopted after the war began to keep Britain out of the conflict. I did ask “states’ rights to do what?” & was told that was beside

You can get replacement blades pretty cheap from Dollar Chop Club as well as other similar online specialty services.

There’s a reason Amazon sells everything but guillotines.

I love (no-powers except for being crazy) Moon Knight.

I say Congo, with vibranium being the the analogue to the regions coltan wealth

I assume Wakanda is the Congo region if it was never colonized & thus was able to use it’s vast mineral wealth for it’s own rather than European development.

Dolores O’Riordan’s death must’ve hit’im hard. Don’t let it burn, Bill, don’t let it fade.

“What is Davos for?”

For real.

Dang! You’uns are getting too good at cracking our United Evie-Liberal Compensatory Crypto-Racist Code, to wit:

Nope. In fact, the 13th amendment enshrines it as long as someone has been “duly convicted” of a “crime.”

Years later in college someone leafleted my dorm with anti-Catholic propaganda that applied numerology to the Pope’s regalia to “prove” he’s the Beast in John’s Apocalypse. I was like, really? That’s the best you can do?

Same. I’ll never forget in middle school when my friend told me that blacks have no souls, the the ancient Hebrews weren’t Jewish (and Jews also lack souls), and that Catholics are Satanic because they worship the Pope, who is the Antichrist actually. He totally knew I was Catholic, btw. He just wanted to save my

Fair enough

He may or may not. Celebrities aren’t necessarily better at managing their money than anyone else, and talent & critical acclaim don’t always translate into $$$.

Paying the bills. Those Cohen Bros. gigs can’t do all the heavy lifting.

Those noses won’t spite their faces by themselves, eh Dems? Doubleplus-thumbs’-up!

See, the judge understands what we plebs keep failing to apprehend. The whole point of having authority is to abuse it.