
Someone has to file a DMCA complaint before he can be taken down.

You shouldn’t have to read a book for a movie to makes sense. It’s shit writing.

Rose needs more screen time in IX.

That is absolutely preposterous. That’s not the only thing wrong with it. Indeed, one of the few things that I found right with it were the fact that Poe wasn’t rewarded for going rogue and that Rey’s path was ultimately not defined by the men that she was looking to for guidance (Luke and Kylo Ren).

Or just that it was a bad movie.

Let’s be clear: Toys R’ Us was having a hard time in the new marketplace, but it was first and foremost a victim of a massive debt load incurred by the company’s leveraged buyout by the current owners. Yay our system!

Star wars? The reason why people are pushing back against star wars is because the last jedi sucked due to poor writing. Ive yet to hear anyone complain about there being too many POCs (i hate this phrase by the way) or there being not enough white staright males. And this is coming from a black man.

This is the correct takeaway from this story.

holy s**t, remember when people used to invade Beatles’ homes or novelists or even scientists?

‘memba the faaallcooonnn? (yeah yeaah i memba)
‘memba chewbaccaa??

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the first time I saw the throne room scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

All of ROTJ’s plot was worked out before cameras rolled on ANH. Lucas wrote the original trilogy as one story and when he realized he couldn’t guarantee making it all, he borrowed the Death Star beat from the end to get a finale on ANH. This did the films a lot of favors until Lucas changed how production was done on

“Luke can’t even get out of a simple bar fight.”

Chirrut absolutely has force abilites. Abilities honed over his decades long life. he probably would have been a jedi were it not for the empire. Also, he gets killed by a storm trooper who makes a lucky shot. Either he’s a capable force user, a pawn being actively controlled by the force itself, or he’s a crazy old

Well at least they got one thing right. Poe is a garbage person. He is the Star wars holiday special of star wars characters. more specifically the section where all the wookies speak to each other for 15 minutes with no subtitles.

I honestly thought that one scene of them looking at Chewie in horror as he’s about to eat one of their own as the funniest part of the movie if only for the fact that he feels really guilty about it.

And they even have a massive built-in disadvantage, they don’t ever get a chance to play the Browns’ offense.

Which version do you think is the best? (Hint: PC.)

Nothing to see here!