A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.
A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.
My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.
Burninating all the speedruns!
Well, considering the attacker didnt have a gun- the attacks were with a knife and with his car- but the policeman who shot him did have a gun, I’d say the gun REALLY helped.
Isn’t that redundant? He already called on the 12s for help.
And I would walk five hundred miles,
Leave it to a Scot to show his distaste for a Monarch.
It’s hard for me to go back to Nuka after experiencing the exotic flavor of Vim Captain’s Blend.
That was a fake security guy. Obv they had permission to be up there. wow. you’re why people think reality tv is real.