
I think theft is going to be an issue. By definition no one is going to be monitoring these things. Some enterprising young criminal will find a way to knock these things out of the air and steal your vagisil.

Can we have another post with interesting, yet functional shift knob replacements. Mine is from a hot rod company and not all that interesting to anyone but me. My girlfriend got it for me on my birthday. My son drew a picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster which is printed on it after I got him "ordained". I will

I am also 6'2. I don't know what you're driving but I commute in a Honda Fit. I have tons of head room.

If the affluenza argument is to be believed than the parents should be charged with neglect and child protective service should take their kids away until they have finished the sentence for neglect and taken parenting classes with the recovering crack addicts. Umm.... Jalopnik... Miata.

My understanding is that traffic in Atlanta is little bit of Hell all the time.

They also make affordable station wagons for people who, you know, are into that sort of thing. It's pretty much just them and VW.

Aside from avoiding the obviously dangerous behavior, tailgating is a huge pet peeve of mine, I think it would make life safer and more courteous if people would just complete their passes. I know it is what inattentive drivers do. When someone tries to pass an inattentive driver they will subconsciously speed up

There was a time when someone creative yet poor could fix a car with rubber bands and paper clips. Now it's work just to find the engine under all the plastic. I love that there are still things that a creative person can fix with household items.


I had an '07 Passat wagon. The tailgate opened automatically and only automatically with a button. Of course it stopped working because VW. It's just not that hard to open it by hand. Worse, sometimes I'd sit down indoors with the keys in my pocket and the button gets pushed by mistake and the tailgate gets left open

Wait. I've seen butthurt, but what is butthink? I want to keep my inane internet terminology straight.

My aunt was visiting me a few years ago. She met me at a store. She parked crooked. She has a rainbow flag sticker on her car. Someone put a note on her car that said: "You need someone to teach you how to park. Someone STRAIGHT." Ha!

The 405 is only a part time interstate. For a couple hours twice a day it is used as a ten lane wide parking lot for people who want to sit in their cars idling with thousands of other people. When it's an interstate it's not bad. I don't recommend the parking lot unless you can split in between the parked cars on a

Neutral: Since I've been keeping track, I consistently get mileage a couple MPG over the highway estimate. I live in the country so nearly all of my driving is on long country roads and interstate. I attribute it to the little traffic I contend with and my soul crushing, cruise controlled interstate commute. I got 38

From the square and compass in the logo that'd have to be a Masonic thing.