
God this was a good episode. If the fucking Sun hadn't spoilt EVERYTHING months ago, imagine how good it would have been. I'm seeing a lot of people in the comments complaining that the BBC ruined this with their advertising, but the cat was out of the bag even before the series had started airing. Luckily I didn't

No but I thought that was Metatron writing reality again? The shot of Castiel accepting leadership was interspersed with Metatron at the typewriter writing about how Cas was going out to 'join his followers as God -' which i assume Metatron means himself - 'watched over them.' And before he was talking to Gadriel

well the writers got the name 'Castiel' from the Judeo-Christian mythological 'Cassiel', one of the seven archangels, so it could be a reference to that.