
This is so moving, heartbreaking, enraging. I am almost 60. I came of age during what was supposedly the height of “women’s lib”. I believed, as many others did, that things would be so much different, easier, better, for our daughters. Clearly they are not.

Let’s just hope society doesn’t weaponize her history of abuse against her through the usual gaslighting- by claiming that her sexuality and immodesty are symptoms of the abuse. They’ve already pulled this on poor Bella Thorne and plenty of others.


If this movement does nothing else for me, it will forever be a reminder to me to teach my daughter to NEVER be silent when something feels off, to not normalize the actions of men because these actions are NOT normal. Call these assholes out by name to their faces, to their bosses, to anyone who will listen. We are

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

It still is.

Yes, totally just “some dude” to her.

Speaking of Russian trolls.

Enjoy your email, sucker.

“ DACA recipients are twice as likely to be criminals per extensive statistical studies trying to exonerate them.”

It’s completely cool if a woman chooses to wear a hijab and feels happy and complete because of it. What really matters is what happens when she chooses to take it off.

Women are free to feel however they wish about it. But opinions and feelings don’t change the reality that this custom only exists in the first place to dehumanize and control women within a patriarchal religious system. This is true of any misogynistic custom, I’m not singling out head coverings, it’s just the

girl needs to hit up Visine for free shit

the above is an elderly woman who wears one because its cold, that is not the same as wearing 1 because your religion says that otherwise men get horny

Did you actually suggest that Weinstein isn’t a rapist? The fuck is wrong with you?

I saw this today, and I like it a lot. A pull:

I wish there had been all this three years ago, where twice a week I would Google some version of “Is it okay to have sex when you don’t feel like it?” and I just kept getting articles about women telling other women to take one for the team.

RIP beautiful locks. RIP.

All rapists should die. Just fall down dead. Every. Last. One.

promptly named it Jolene because, well, I knew it was a cheater