
I keep reading that first paragraph and laughing myself off the sofa.

V true, specifically re: white gay males who are often excruciatingly misogynistic, albeit in a different way than are straight white men, and given a pass or a look the other way. As much as white women have insane amounts of privilege in this society, they also seem to be the only group expected to stand for

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

One of the most hilarious things I observe here during the holidays in Oklahoma is watching Republicans reflexively wishing people “happy holidays” only to catch themselves right afterward and make excuses for having done so. Their horror at their self-perceived faux pas is priceless.

We HOPE the girl will feel guilt. She may side with the boyfriend.

I could not agree more. No one gives me more pushback on getting rid of problematic shit than the “liberal” men in my life. They cling to their self-righteousness and perpetuate the problem. I’m very done with coddling them.

Wow, a channel dominated by male hosted shows has a sexual harassment problem?

How is it that males continue to succeed in changing, altering, making others believe in the “narrative” of “I didn’t do it?” I can’t even trust men who claim to be “allies” any more. Men have raped us , sold us, and nary shed a tear after we die giving birth to their children. JC, One of my high school friends died

... it’s not.

Men in charge of organizations centered around women needs to stop. When has one of these men had altruistic tendencies for his involvement? They’re typically insecure perverts looking for easy pickings. Example: Orange Cheeto Trump.

This and the US gymnastics sex abuse are the latest examples of why I give the side eye to organizations that are for and comprised of women but have men in most positions of power.

What are you talking about? If being accused of being a man was women’s biggest problem then sexism would be over. Oh, shit someone said I was a man, how sexist!

There is no such thing as ‘Cis privilege’ for women. Female foetuses are more likely to be aborted. Women do not have privilege over transwomen.

Well I guess I’m a transphobe. Transwomen are a type of biological man. Transmen are a type of biological woman.

The problem with this is the idea that cis women are privileged. This is what bothers me the most about this debate. Cis women are being persecuted right now all around the country regarding the closing of health clinics, the denial of reproductive freedom and insurance coverage of BC, the huge recent rise in domestic

Can we just cut to the chase and call all humans capable of gestation incubators?

Lololololol this is absolutely lovely. I hate transwomen and I am contributing to countless deaths by talking about how in some spaces, cis women are silenced! Lolololol I’m not even sure if you’re real at this point.

I mean, this is exactly the kind of over the top shit that I’m talking about. Simply pointing out that for the vast majority of human history, pregnancy and childbirth have been the purview of women makes a “bigot?”

There are trans activists who *do* want to erase biological sex. (In some cases it’s their dysphoria talking, in others it looks more like misogyny.) There are people who say that biological sex is a social construct rather than a physical reality. Most natal females are going to end up being called TERFs by at least

I felt that way about the trans pushback against the Pussy Hat thing. The women’s marches were about access to women’s healthcare services. I don’t think it was helpful or positive to have people interjecting with the fact that you can be a woman without having a pussy, in that specific moment. We were marching for