Yeah. She’s fighting to get the republicans to stop trying to take away her rights because she wants to work with them to take away the rights of others. What a role model.
Yeah. She’s fighting to get the republicans to stop trying to take away her rights because she wants to work with them to take away the rights of others. What a role model.
No, that gives her too much credit. She’s someone who’s willing to peddle the same lies about business and economics as Republicans because, to her, they’re secondary to her faith-based horseshit about gay folk and women.
She isn’t a well meaning idiot. She is a bigot who is willing to work with people who she knows hold the same hateful bronze age values she does.
because some Republicans in Oregon were nice to her about a religious issue this one time and she also hates gay people.
When someone doesn’t agree with you reflexively calling them an idiot or other names reflects poorly on you.
“I felt my faith aligned with the Republican party”
To sum up:
Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.
He’s that one Uncle you don’t quite trust because he has a history that is only alluded to you as a child. Then you find out the real story as an adult.
No, this is America. Where no one outside of Alabamba gives a single fuck about Bama winning another title.
Dude this is Deadspin. It’s not cool to actually care about the game.
Can’t believe he’s been at that job for a month and Kyle already has floor seats.
I recall an interview with SJP and she said the most unbelievable thing SHE thought about the show was that friends had that much time together/saw each other that often.
It was like TRAGICALLY upsetting. Racist, sexist, homophobic, classist. They were no longer good friends with eachother. There wasn’t any fun sex, they spent little time in the city. WHYYYYYYY
Grain of salt and all that, but what if you were having hot sex with a guy who afterwards or the next day got arrested for insider trading?
Picture it: Opening night. Georgetown, DC. Every 20something woman and her 1-6 best friends dressed up and pre-loaded on martinis or wine. A packed theater. We. Were. Ready!
I was so angry they had Steve cheat on Miranda in the first movie. I understand that cheating happens but it was not a plot that appealed to me.
Does anyone listen to the podcast, “the worst idea of all time”? They watch the same terrible movie every week for a year and it’s hilarious as they continually tear it apart. They’re doing Sex and the City 2 right now, and it reminds me that MAN that movie was a disappointment. I wish they’d do one more movie to fix…
and it’s seth rogan right? all i pictured was seth rogan....