
Fallout 4 somehow hits everything I’m a complete sucker for: town creation, weapon customization, “tower” defense, Sci-Fi, robots, dogs, crafting, and so much more!

Holy shit my blood is vicariously boiling for you.

Listen, when you ideology is preoccupied with sex being dirty and wrong, you’ve got a couple of potential outcomes

XCOM: Enemy Unknown has a demo out on PC, PS3, and 360. Try before you buy. It gives a tiny and extremely shallow taste.

As a fellow s30 owner and enthusiast you have my condolences.

I cannot even imagine.

*in before Graphics don’t matter hipsters*

It really puzzles me as well, because if it’s a big show there’s probably going to be a professional recording of it. You can watch a video of it later (that will be of much higher quality than your shitty smartphone cam) AND enjoy the concert. I saw Flume for New Year’s and it was nice to not see any cell phones in

“I really don’t want anybody to know where I’m at all the time or what I’m eating. Then they’ll try to taste my soup. I don’t try to taste their soup. They’ll all try to take a big bite out of my sandwich.”

Not to mention DeathBlood5, Death6lood, Dea7hBlood, Death8lood, or when they get confused with how to deal with 9 and jut skip to DeathBlood X

Did you not read the article? This (as well as the previous) was BORING to the point that the article writer actually ADMITTED it.

Probably have no one to be racist towards.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

My mom did that shit to me when I was a kid, on top of all sorts of other things. I’d come home to military school catalogs on the kitchen table. My heart breaks for this girl.

If she was being bullied at school, it makes it so much worse that her own father would do this to her. Did it never occur to him that those same bullies would see this and use it against her? WTF!


There was a time that I actually considered Keith overrated because of his tendancy to make bad turnovers in his own end, but he’s really erased that from his game and made me look like a moron for ever doubting him.

I’ll drink to that!

Maybe I wasn’t specific enough. I just want a good infotainment system. In other words I don’t want it controlling my A/C and my car and my engine and my suspension. It just needs to be good at radio, bluetooth, handsfree, voice commands, satellite radio, streaming music, apps, navigation etc. I’m trying to say it

blues fan, huh?