
I have some experience dealing with someone (not a parent) who is so willfully disconnected from reality that they just don't understaaaaaand why you're upseetttttt what did they do wronnnnng can't we talk about it? And fine, you summon your backbone and your patience and you explain it clearly and simply. And your

I feel really positive for all the Penn State alumni who will interpret this move as a validation of what they've claimed all along: That their hero was not the driver of a nefarious coverup, but was simply too much of a stupid pants-shitting old dullard to put the pieces together, realize what was going on, and take

I know, and he has been getting paid.

I'd like to echo this comment.

Not too soon. he has to wait for the league to tell him what that rebuttal is.

Guess the shoplifters should have been a bit more Incognito.

Edge of Tomorrow was one of my favorite sci-fi/action flicks of the year. Just seeing Tom Cruise do self-deprecating was worth it, but it took a pretty novel concept (with some borrowing from Groundhog Day and other flicks) and made a really refreshing shoot-em-up.

Good for you. I've never been large (5'9"; 160#), but when I eat like I want (as you said, "like a college freshman") I can put on 5-7# in a hurry, even though I exercise 5 days a week. I'd say weight loss and general heath is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise.

And again, there is no crime here.

I just found out my younger brother, who is about to have his first child, is an anti-vaxxer. I need to sit him down and present him the evidence to show him just how harmful he's being.

He's a legit sociopath. Listen to him speak and it's obvious he's an intelligent, charming guy; the vicious cheap shots he delivers on the field are not "emotional in the moment" type altercations. He does that shit calmly and with intent.

I'm a woman on the Internet, too. I'm also a former Sony employee. My information has almost certainly been exposed, and that's pretty scary.

I can't speak for how the Bears run things, but I can say the Jets don't allow the starting quarterback to be interviewed away from the podium post-game. After a game, every reporter is scrambling to get what he or she can in the locker room in the meantime. It's chaotic, especially after a loss, when players are

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

On the plus side, if a runner does get shot at least they get one of those 30.06 stickers.

Because generally speaking they don't face bad guys. Your average police officer doesn't arrest bad guys, they arrest petty criminals, vandals, prostitutes, and drug dealers. Most of whom are unarmed and 'resist' by running away.

Yeah, no, see...when you're talking about a pregnant woman being beaten by the man who impregnated her, the collateral damage to a football team DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. And if you think it does, you're a stooge, and you're wrong.

...and his girlfriend and unborn child. But, you know, the things you listed that he hurt are important. Too.

Big deal. Even if he walks from this case Hernandez has got to know he is still in big time trouble. With the league's new personal conduct policy, he's facing a six, maybe even eight game suspension.