
So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?

It basically just illustrates how stupid people are.

I mean really. Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with more features (and better boot times). That's it. 99% of my time is spent in regular desktop mode, except I can also play some of the games that are exclusive to the app store (like Spartan Assault and Project Spark).

Bullshit. Jersey should get corrupt, we practically invented corruption!

Seems like the only draw to this game is the opportunity to grief others. That being said, being humiliated, having your gear stolen, or risk getting killed is contrary to that goal. Just log out when this crap happens, find a different server where you can better your gear and set your own ambush so you can be on the

Hold up! Someone doesn't own Portal?

My predictions:

Even game developers are getting sick of this. The problem is, put as simply as I can, that it works. People make the purchases, people do it. It's both a psychological trick as much as anything. People think because they invested some of their money into it, they'll definitely play it more. And then because of that,

Even with strenuous activity you still don't really need Gatorade. Water will still hydrate you fine.

re: despotic and gratuitous
It helps a little if you stop thinking of DayZ as a 'game' per se and more as a simulation of what little restraint people will show in a dystopian future. The people having 'fun' in this video are forcing three victims to participate in a fatal blood sport (two involved, one forced to

I don't find it funny. This is despotic and gratuitous. I guess I'm growing up and getting more sensible to violence.

thats just cruel. Seriously. Don't get the kid a PS4/Xbone if his grades suck, but don't get his hopes up like that either! Just explain to him if he can increase his grades he can get one at the end of the school year. No need to be a dick about it.

I think "Pay to play" would be a more accurate definition for most of these so-called "free to play"-games than "pay to win", since the most popular model seems to be paying to be able to advance in the game as opposed to waiting an unreasonable length of time for activity points or whatever.

I recant my previous statement.

This seems to be a personal preference.

Letting them search your car lets them "discover" the joint in the ashtray that wasn't there before.

Exactly. I'd wager most people who voted here just voted for the card they own or the brand they fancy. Heck, it would not surprise me in the least is a few shady social marketers would create a legion of randomized social profiles with disguised IP addresses to multiply votes on their side.

The Quest For Glory Series.

Why: The Quest For Glory Series was an expansive set of games which gave us a multilayered experience where character class and development, exploration, and discovery were vastly rewarding, fun, and well written. You could also transfer your character from game to game, which made playing

Personally I think every game should have the ability to save at any point. This may go against some hardcore gamers sensibilities but some of us don't have the time to plow through a game in one sitting.