
I’m always surprised how often during NFL games that they mention that some player on the field was actually a start QB in high school or college, but they were drafted into the NFL as a wide receiver or some other position.

I grew up in DC but I moved out of market so I have seen very little of RG3. However, what I have seen is him running for his life behind a terrible offensive line.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a lack of knowledge, some people can just never succeed at the position no matter how much time they are given. Look at Cutler from the Bears. Physically he can throw well.

I’m not claiming that there are lot’s of Tom Brady’s in the league, but part of the problem is that teams that have high enough draft picks to get a great QB suck.

Thanks uber employee. While maybe there is some rare news story, I have never heard of anyone being attacked in a cab. I’ll stick with using the bright yellow cars with the signs on top.

Even worse, we have created a cult of success in this country. If you have succeeded in business and are wealthy, you are a fabulous person.

Actually this is a class of game that taps into what is basically a gambling addiction. Games that use gear or loot as the primary reward, and give you that gear in random drops.

I agree with your points.

The technology clearly isn’t there yet, close but not yet. I would say 10 years or less for the tech to get there. So 2025.

I’m not seeing that at all. To be reliable enough to be safe these systems will have to be entirely internal to the vehicle. You could not rely on our current cell tower or wireless infrastructure to control vehicles.


BMW, BMW, BMW. I’m shocked that I am not seeing any comments about this yet.

I understand the gas mileage thing, I don’t understand why Prius drives are so determined to drive slower than traffic in the left lane. Please help me understand.

And what I love is that sales of these vehicles spike as soon as gas prices drop, and drop when they go up.

I have to ask why anyone would decide that a TEXT is the appropriate way to take that first big step in communicating that you care for someone?

I agree with pretty much everything until you get into the Gen-X’ers. You have been handed a shit economy and student loan situation.

Clearly you are from the accounting department, thinking in a penny wise and pound foolish way, not considering how easy it is to drive customers away. Nor considering the very high costs involved in attracting new customers vs how much cheaper it is to retain existing customers.

Because they will not all be acting in unison to have a better case.

Funny, it’s a job that has attracted a lot of people who want to be obeyed. We have countless videos of cops who lose their shit and actually escalate situations because they were “disrespected”.

I agree that the tech is not there, but I think you are wrong about the tipping point. The point at which those jobs will be replaced is only at the point where consumers prefer the tech over people. Even if today there was a robot that could replace a human, people would likely boycott stores that fired people and