
I would disagree on the harm issue. I think my point of view has changed on this since I have had kids. We exist in a culture which is always changing.

How did they think that even with millions of users that anyone would ever jump on the rock 50 times and stumble across the Easter egg?

Yeah, I can't believe no one tried jumping on that rock 50 times! Now we have to drop some hints.

Correct, but my response was to the person trying to claim that criticism in a very public forum is somehow censorship.

I agree with you, but the problem is educating a lot of white people white people. Too many of them assume that because they are never harassed by the police, that the police never behave badly and in turn that the only people assaulted by police must have deserved it.

That's funny, Gawker just published the art for the entire world to see. They did not suppress the information, they did not attempt to keep it from people, quite the opposite.

I would suggest dropping that quote as a rhetorical device. It really does not line up with what you just explained.

And now because they complained they are a risk to the organization.

"What's best for you, usually isn't what's best for the company.But what's best for the company, is usually best for you."

How can they say that comments that others reported were untrue? Did they claim they were there and heard the comment and it was misrepresented, or were they just taking the position that they can't believe he would say some of these things and had not heard them so they must be false?

Project Veritas would never do anything that we believe would incite violence against police officers

But they can afford a couple grand down and a never ending car note?

I don't know if I can boil it down to a few questions. It's about finding someone with similar values and who is trustworthy and will have your back.

Maybe it is nicer, not sure about that. I will say that I have never heard anyone rave about their VW. Most people who have switched brands and are happy usually talk about that.

You're finally building cars that should require no answers to anyone, ever,

For me when I think of VW I think:

Another issue is that people want to be able to sell their guns and this would make that much harder to do, there would have to be expense in someone getting the biometrics changed over to the new owner.

Of course governments lie, but that does not mean that they lie all the time about everything. It does not mean they would kill thousands of their own citizens.

They are very reassuring to the people who believe them.

No, we have clear evidence of what the NSA is doing. We have a long and rich history of the government spying on prominent people like MLK Jr. for what are basically political reasons. We also have intelligence agencies that have engaged in arranging for other governments to be overthrown and foreign leaders to be