Lol unnecessarily nasty? Like 85% of the things posted across the Gawker network?
Lol unnecessarily nasty? Like 85% of the things posted across the Gawker network?
And another lawsuit against Gawker has been brought in January of this year.
No they are going to lose. Don’t be so certain of yourself. And they deserve to lose again. There’s also another lawsuit filed against them as recently as January of this year. Gawker is deserving of this as they brought it on themselves.
Let’s report the REAL news, shall we? The one story you won’t print?
It’s a really serious condition that appears on humans who are walking in the shadow and a part of their body is hit by a ray of light. :)
Thanks for the update on this case! Still waiting to hear what happened in that whole “Bolea vs. Gawker”-thing because you guys haven’t mentioned anything since posting snarky links to watch the trial.
Speaking of lawsuits, update your resume, bitch.
Only for this weekend, Cowboy, and then I’m going to participate in their demise by not adding any more clicks to their tally. The reason I personally am delighted in their demise is their misogyny and homophobia, under the guise of being a progressive media source, which has actually ruined people’s lives and…
I can smell Gawker dying from all the way over here.
“’s debatable if any of the so-called writers on Gawker sites can actually write [...] Rogoway’s one of the handful of writers who might actually be employable elsewhere.”
Writers union? Shit, it’s debatable if any of the so-called writers on Gawker sites can actually write. Look at Michael Ballaban for example - my theory is that he got a job here because he knocked up the CEO’s daughter, or maybe through blackmail. Rogoway's one of the handful of writers who might actually be…
I agree that they probably have a better chance on appeal, but an appeal doesn’t mean this hearing gets thrown out entirely. Former testimony is usually admissible as evidence. So all their smarmy bullshit can still be cited and they’ll have to defend it. I can’t imagine any jury anywhere would find this shit…
capital to pay staff and maintain the site? a good reputation to attract worthwhile advertisers? Gawker has none of that now through their own asshattery
They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER
Denton and Daulerio didn’t do themselves any favors acting like jackasses in court. I can’t believe they picked a Hulk Hogan sex tape as their hill to die on. The loss is completely deserved.
Wishful thinking. RIP Gawker.