


Corey Graves comes across as an alpha male? In what world?

Seth Rollins is damaged good.

Enzo not selling the next day is Vince's deal, not Enzo's.

AJ Styles better not fall into the upper midcard.

He's actually an A in the ring, but he's so lazy and so uninterested that it probably does knock him down to a B.

A Rumble without surprise entrants always feels like a letdown.

Is this the world's weirdest poem?

The evidence doesn't matter on the Internet.

The comments section here should be a massacre.

'It really needs to be heard.'

Sandra Bullock is bizarrely forgettable for such a big star. If you compare her to someone like Nicole Kidman, who's not nearly as commercial successful at this point, it's really shocking the contrast.

Please, you don't get Nicole Kidman for a show like this. Nicole Kidman is a different level even to Lange, Paulson etc. I'd even say Kidman is at a different level to Theron.

She's joining as the mother of Kurtwood Smith? What the fuck?