
Taking myself out to lunch in the middle of the work day is a very serious vice of mine. I know that I’m happier and healthier when I bring my own food, but the cooking and the leftover and all of it just leave me feeling bland and bored. I like getting away from my desk and having someone make food for me.

Know a liar named Tessa? Nope, that was not her name. Though, for all I know, she could be calling her self anything these days. I thankfully cut her completely out of my life years ago.

Dear god. I used to date a pathological liar. There were dead ex boyfriends (she and I are both bi), religious cults in her former town. Rando crap that just came to her off the top of her head, elaborate things she had to stage and make props for.

  1. The show can be whatever the show wants to be. What stories they pick to use and not use do not have an effect on their quality. I’ve liked some of their original characters and some of their changes. A visual medium needs to make changes (I will personally fight for show Shea over book Shea any day. That character is

Right? Why are the rushing so fast? They could have milked a whole other (good) season out of the material they skipped.

That is not even a little what we are talking about. No one is complaining that the stories are too rich, the environments got too populated with complex characters, that the span has grown too large. That’s what’s happening in the books and it’s GREAT! (I’m a HUGE Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragon’s fan).

I agree with almost everything, but I think the downward slide started happening mid season 2 and has been progressing at a very steady pace.

I obsessively read those GoT feminist think pieces. When the rest of the world can’t stop itself from kissing GoT’s ass, they are the only thing that make me feel like I’m not losing my mind.

This is the version I have and watch. When I first got it, it was tolerable to watch, but as another commenter mentioned, it doesn’t look good anymore by today’s standards. It is pretty much like watching my old VHS copies (pirated from some channel somewhere god knows when by my parents). It hits my nostalgia button

There is a guy in my HR department who ends all his emails with ellipsis. I assume it means he hates me.

At a school with 800 students, that is $400. At a school with 1000 students, that’s $1000. What massive improvements they can make to that school with $1000.

I’m not joking: this letter reminds me of nothing like it reminds me of negotiating with my four year old the conditions upon which he gets a cookie after his bath.

It’s a super depressing list to read. Though you do have to know that a lot of people who have signed it (especially these days) don’t have a clue about the details of the case. Many don’t even know his victim was under age or that he drugged her. The pro-Polanski propaganda is pretty heavy.

Thanks for some context. It has been years since I read the details of the case.

I said in another comment that the Hollywood culture didn’t care about the suffering of one girl. I realize now I was wrong. They don’t care about the suffering of anyone who has little or no power. If a powerful man wants something, then he can have it. Making a good movie is somehow such a amazing feet that the most

This is weird to me. Jezebel was the media outlet that turned me around on this issue. I had heard a little too much of the Hollywood defense of him (and cared to much about the opinions of some famous writers). But Jez really drove home just how horrible a person he was/is, and I realized I’d been buying into a

He told his rape victim he would “Make her the next Sharron Tate.” Given your context, that makes him sound like a pretty sick person to me.

Seriously, some of us still need to eat today.