
The other thing you could read/listen to was what he actually said at the show. He made it VERY obvious that he respected the people who wrote season four. He said their only real crime was trying to pander to the fans. He thinks they saw the love of the show, and they wanted to make sure to give the fans what they

Most, if not all, of our talent is not local. We offer some really competitive perks. Not that I think anything will really help, or to be more precise, I don't care if it helps. I don't think I could care less about our sports program than I do. But, that being said, having a small pool of talent isn't really the

I've always found Wyoming so depressing that sarcasm is the only appropriate reply.

I'm not sure what counts as a 'major' program, but Wyoming does have a very active (and very bad) football team that competes with all the 'major' schools I know of. We suck, and we pay our coaches ungodly amounts of money to suck, but well.... ok, not sure where I'm going with this. We are an exception in that unlike

The growing friendship between Sansa and Shae, and the way Shae both protects Sansa and tries to help her grow, is by far the best thing they have added to the show. I think that scene was so well done for all the characters involved.

Though I personally see no reason to buy raw milk, I do agree that under well regulated rules it is safe to buy. But, those weekly inspections are not cheap, and we would need to greatly increase the funding of an agency that already is operating below peak efficiency to make it safe for anything more than a few small

From what I understand the reason is the paper protects it better than the plastic because less light gets in. The light starts to break down proteins (I think) which can alter the flavor. But, I still buy in the plastic jug because we go through milk so fast in my house (my kid just sucks that stuff down) the cost of

They do admit that they could not control for things like parents' health or the other food consumed in the house. I personally (based on the current research in health) think that the calorie in, calorie out model of weight and health is the most reasonable, and so find this study very surprising (even though it

"I recently saw a 14 year old girl in my office with a 2 day history of severe abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, and fever. Her mother had similar symptoms as did several other members of her household and some family friends. After considerable discomfort, everyone recovered within a few days. The child’s stool

From the CNN article -

He can't breath in space, he can just hold his breath for a very, very long time. On long space travel he has to take a breathing tank, but then only the tank, he doesn't need a full suit to protect his body.

That last Wonder Woman panel was the final nail in the coffin for me. All-Star Batman & Robin was a let down in every possible way, but when I read that panel I gave up on Miller entirely.

There seem to be quite a few articles in PubMed on the issue.

Fear mongering without any scientific rigor. How depressing, and for such a passé issue.

If io9 is going to feature fanfic at all, I'd rather it was highlighting some of the better stories out there (they have to exist, right?).

There was a whole string of fun shows that ran on Fox in the 90s that only last a season or half season, like Brimstone and Strange Luck. Time has not been kind to all of them, but I would still love to have a better format than something that was thrown on the net from a VHS copy.

My reaction to your amazing news.

I think the Snow White speech is made all the worse because it is the first time in the movie that she has actually spoken more than two lines of dialogue in one scene.

I had to stop watching Fringe a long time ago because the only consistent theme I found in the show was that intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge were the greatest sin. Anyone who wanted to know how the universe works was challenging the 'natural order' and was probably evil, crazy, or both.

Following the link I realized that Adams actually writes Batman Odyssey. That explains a few things. At first I thought it was some other writers who were somehow paying Adams and his theory some strange tribute.