Reading Bradbury was a turning point in my life when I started to see the world through adult eyes.
Reading Bradbury was a turning point in my life when I started to see the world through adult eyes.
Same reason that [] is so packed full. It is much easier to play around with existing characters than take the jump and create your own. And it's MUCH easier to get people to pay attention to you afterwards.
What a very nice way to put it.
I knew there was something about their saliva, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to say. I do know that they keep blood from pooling and clotting, but I didn't know the saliva was what helped that.
It removes excess blood from the limb when the blood vessels don't line up correctly. It prevents the reattached limb from becoming swollen with the blood.
Leeches have found practical medical applications (when reattaching limbs), who's to say some bloodletting under controlled conditions is bad? Why not expand the small study to a larger one and see if there are positive results. That's what science is for.
They are already filming Iron Man 3? That spoilers bunker I was in for Avengers seems to have worked too well. Time to educate myself about a few things.
Thanks much, edited.
Dear North Carolina,
Just the sort of reality check the hype for the movie needs. If expectations got much higher then it was one track to sure fire disappointment. Now with some reason to light the way I think we can all comfortably look forward to a good film.
Man, his sister has a very well stocked closet.
I'm not sure surprising is ever the right word when dealing with bacteria. You could tell me that bacteria had organized a space program and were mining on Jupiter's moons and I wouldn't be surprised.
Awwww, you used an image of my very favorite moment in all of Harry Potter. The whole of Snape summarized in a single movement. He really doesn't like those kid at all, but his will protect them with is life without a thought.
Yeah, I'm not sure how reliable this folks are.
Apparently it's been done.
Oli, look, you are not that cool. Sure, in a comic with your whole Robin Hood thing you look good in a line up. And we all fondly remember how awesome that one run with Green Lantern was. But unless this show is about your socialist uprising to bring justice and workers rights to the masses then I'm sorry, you are…
Yes, death. That horrible death Smallville suffered of running for ten years.
That is what Green Arrow was custom designed to be. DC was trying to replicate the popularity of Batman and they built Oli on the Bruce way template, right down to the dead parents and a sidekick in a way to bright costume.
"world's energy mysteriously disappears."