
Agreed. If the same space was give over to a simple warning, something that stated the facts and listed the costs of smoking on a person's health, that would be much better. No matter the aim, we shouldn't be in the business of shaming people out of their choices.

I think if we had real a real government funded medical system I could support this. There would be something to this besides 'we don't want people doing that thing.' There would be a cost to society and taxes on things like cigarettes, and the money spent on these sorts of warnings would be meaningful. We would be

Just edited to answer that. It was so they could have a much more articulated head for the close up shots.

Well, watching the scene it was shot from at least two angles. It could be the wide shot was one location and the close shot was another. It's fairly common in films. Though when dealing with that much makeup you don't think they'd want to do the work twice.

I would see a film about Utnapishtim long before I would see one about Noah.

Kate and the Queen were ever on speaking terms?

I found a picture that, while I thought was a nice picture of me, showed all the things I don't like about my appearance. Though there are other pictures of me I like more (they make me look tinnier, have a little more color in my face, my smile isn't so funky looking [I hate my smile]), it was really nice when I was

Ironic that John Lithgow is the one who turns us into a planet full of 'monkey boys?'

What are you doing man?!?!! Don't you know around these parts claiming you have the cure for insomnia is tantamount to claiming you've found the Holy Grail?

Food deserts are a primary cause of this. It is important to note that people who live in these food deserts are also in a desert of health care, education, and most of the other things needed to improve one's life.

"U.S. Lags Behind Most Industrialized Nations"

*tries very hard not to geek out over a Potter MMORPG.

Super cool!

They will be taking submissions on the best fanfics to use as the bases for the next seven movies in the series.

Can I ask that you please, please, PLEASE include Ben Radford in this?

Finally, some one who won't buy into the mass hallucination that is Highlander II. Nice to know I'm not alone.

Choice number two.

Yeah, she was listed among the dead. It wasn't a 'reveal' it was a narrative about what was happening to her character. She was a victim of that day, just as much as the dead, because she was walled of from the Doctor forever (well, in that season).

Doomsday made a lot more sense then almost every reveal ever in BSG. So I've mentally swapped them, and now am quite happy with the list.

Bad instinct! Don't duck, don't turn away!