
The one and only reality tv show I have ever watched is Hoarders. It's beyond fascinating. Though, the animal episodes are pretty hard to watch. When they clear off a pile of trash and find a flat object that you realize used to be a cat..... it's hard to take.

Yes. They open tabs to read, then never close them out of fear of 'missing out' on the info they intended to read. This can result in hundreds of tabs being open at once. Also collecting things like music, or PDFs, etc. As to the comments made by others, as to the negative impact on people's lives, this type of

There are so many variables in this. If I buy one type of milk I can use it a week after its date, another and I can smelling it turn the day before its date. Some meat if I don't use within a day of buying it, done. Others (same cut, different store, with maybe better coolers) I can keep for 2 or 3 days.

Well the current thinking is the asexuals are a certain percentage of all mammal societies, just like homosexuals, bisexuals and heterosexuals. And just because humans can have sex doesn't mean we are 'sexual beings.' We are not 'running beings' or 'dancing beings' it is a part of the mammalian condition, but by no

There are plenty of homosexuals who have heterosexual sex (that they don't find very desirable at all) so they can have a kid the 'traditional way' with a friend. That doesn't mean that they stop being homosexual, just like an asexual person doesn't stop being asexual just because they've had sex (out of desire for a

Ok, look, you've already talked me into paying to see a Colin Farrell vampire movie in theaters. Stop trying, you've won the battle.

Guillermo Del Toro is working with The Jim Henson Company?

I'm not talking about the acting quality, I'm talking about the purpose of the scene and the theme, which, by all accounts remained pretty word for word from casting call to pilot. So I think it's more than fair to judge the writing of the show on that. I'm sure Palicki would have delivered it better, but that

Well, the thrust of the scene is how having dolls of herself with bigger 'endowments' than WW actually has lowers her self esteem.

Did you click the link to watch the 'boob' scene?

There is some sadness here (some), as Adrienne Palicki was a wonderful choice.

Rich men feel like they can use their power to force what they want out of people they consider 'lesser.' Not so much a 'bizarre coincidence' as 'painfully common.'

And otters. Waves, logs, hoaxes, and otters.

I'm will not in any way try to defend the show. All criticism of it is valid and true. Still, you will pry my copy of it from my cold, dead hand.

Well, Twin Peaks is a good example of a show that didn't have what it took to go a long time. It was amazing for a while, great for a while, then just, well, tv. Then it ended, which was probably for the best.

The plane is real (though could not do what was claimed in the book), but even in that comment thread they admit that the USSR would not fly such a thing to New Mexico.

There is a lot of overlapping membership in the two groups. They think the founders were some how ordained by god to write the laws of our land.

"Do I have to read the book to find out why any of this makes any kind of sense at all, or is it all like this?"

Especially when your 'grand plan' with that tech is tantamount to a prank. Why wasn't this technology used in actual, meaningful ways, why was it just part of an unverifiable hoax? I would think if the USSR had planes that could make it all the way to the US without us noticing them until they crashed, they would

That's why she wrote a book and not a magazine or newspaper article. This sort of amateur nonsense doesn't fly, even in our 'lowest common denominator' media world. Of course now that she's written the magazines and newspapers can quote HER as a source and perpetuate this BS.