My thoughts exactly.
My thoughts exactly.
The trailer was a little too much 'good man' fights off 'evil man' to protect 'helpless women' for my taste. Lately I've felt like I have limit on helpless damsel stories and I've hit it.
I was just going to ask about the Friggatriskaidekaphobia, because that's what I've known it as.
The key to young-earth creationists is that they think we are the ones who are blind. We are too invested in our dogma to see the plain evidence. It's shockingly similar to Bigfoot and lake monster belief. Most don't think it's a conspiracy, just pig-headed ignorance of the facts. The closed walls of academia,…
Better, sure, but the cognitive dissidence required is just so astronomical. Then there are the people who upon hearing how the group got it wrong once, still sign up to join the flock. I don't know, maybe I just expect too much out of people.
I can normally accept that when we are just talking about end of the world cults, but the ones who, instead of killing themselves on the 'last day' (which is tragic, but at least understandably) just go on the day after and say, 'oops, let me crunch those numbers again' really throw me for a loop.
Step 5: Recrute more believers to pay off the debt.
The key is that most of the world is as confusing to them as this stuff is to us. To them this makes as much sense as gravity and the sun coming up (you know, unfathomably mysteries). So for them, not really a logical leap.
I'm not sure if this is the same group, but I just heard about an end of the world cult whose 'last day' came and went and they all just put their white robes back on and evangelized even harder. My brain is just not big enough to hold my world view and reason out how these people can believe such nonsense. I can…
They can sell his birth certificate? That just doesn't seem right. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to do identity theft or something, but it seems, even as horrible as he is, we can't take away from him his proof of identity?
I would say when talking about movies in general the opposite of your statement is true. The talent involved draws audiences, but is no guarantee of a good movie. There are plenty of movies out there with astoundingly funny people in them (both men and women, in front and behind the camera) and the movies are just…
Yes, but they stupidly give away there money so freely. Well, at least more freely than us over 25 stick-ion-the-muds who only want to see movies up for Oscars.
Commercials have for the most part, been lacking in my local theaters for a long, long time. The idea of watching a car ad or a Pepsi ad before a movie was completely foreign to me. But something changed in the last year and now we have it like crazy. I got so mad sitting there watching THE DUMBEST ads (though I…
This whole conversation makes me feel so old. I liked Thor enough that I wanted to watch it again the next day so I decided to download it. I went to my regular place for tv shows (yes, I don't mind pirating tv shows, but have serious qualms about movies, no real idea why) and I tried to watch Thor. I made it like…
My mom went to see it mostly on the Brannagh credit and it's Norse mythology. I'm not joking when I say her first response to seeing a Thor add was to get out her Ring cycle DVDs and watch them. Then all through Thor she was telling me who everyone was and what they did in the Ring (like I didn't know) and she even…
I think this going to be a bigger and bigger thing. The truth is that the target demographic for big budget films is also the group most savvy in finding films through other means, and least motivated to go out to a film. Like you said, movies cost a lot and there is a lot of competition for those dollars. When you…
The 3D added nothing. Just nothing. I've been told that the scene I found confusing and dark (the Frostgiant fight) was just as bad in 2D, but I really did find the whole beginning of the movie very dull and washed out and literally hard to see because of how dark it was. I really wish I could have seen in in 2D.
You put on all the ones I would have, therefor I approve. ;)