
Or, if the can't afford to subscribe they can often afford to become a member of an ILL network that will allow them access to the material (and much more) for a decent price.

It is costly to run the type of peer reviewed journal needed for a high level of rigor in scientific publication. It's not a good idea to dismiss the publishers off hand as middle men. They do hard work and are seeing their profits fall because of recent trends in publication. So they are (rightly or not, which

So true. It seems a shame that we allow access to this for a short time in people's lives, then take it away (or deny it at all if they never attend a university). And, not all universities can afford the rising costs of being linked into the journal databases. Though, if you are dedicated you can work through

A chill just ran up my spin.

Not smarter, just better at surviving in a different setting. A wolf wouldn't last long lost in Mathatten, but a dog could live for a good long while. Remember, evolution is NEVER about 'smarter' or 'strong' or any of that, it's about best fit to their environment.

"I mean, that's nearly 2 cents for every man, woman and child in America. "

And so too, is SETI. In the long run, it just might be a much longer run than the others. But the guys who wrote down the positions of all the stars in the sky didn't know that what they were doing would one day be the bases for global empires.

New proposition, open letter from io9 and its readers to James Cameron and his fellows in sci-fi entertainment asking them to do just that.

If you parsed out $5 million to schools in America that would be less than 50 cents for ever high school student. Not every student, every HIGH SCHOOL student.

The $5 million over two years that SETI uses would last about three days in the fields you suggest.

We are talking about $5 million. In most other fields that money would amount to nothing. Governments lose that kind of money in couch cushions. And it's $5 million over two years. Sure, the private donators might feel it's a lot of money (and I stress might, as I'm sure BIll Gates would laugh at that much money),

Supporting women? What? It's their uterus after all, shouldn't they be responsible for what happens in it .......

An active system looking for life outside of earth would, I think, be one of the things that signals to extra terrestrial life that we are ready to be greeted by them. I know that my statement is a little more, well, sci-fi than I intend it, I'm not saying there are space ships above earth seeing that we shut down

But now that they've had sex where will the tension be? Will it be all about Jacob holding himself back for the day his child bride is ready?

I personally think this is the same thing as three year olds who think they have a preference for one clothing brand or another, the behavior has been modeled. Every time their mother complains about being fat the three year old will think that how one is supposed to act, without understand what the action really is.

This is why the only thing I will need is a facsimile of is a gun and a box of bullets. THE AFTERLIFE WILL BE MINE. Until dudes with laser guns start getting there.

Actually no, I see it's that cheap and just skip over it because I instinctively don't trust it. But I'm sure they have to be pretty high.


Does this also explain the books and movies that get down to $0.01 in price. Are two people calculating down against each other until they are both charging effectively nothing? Or is there really some money to be made is selling DVDs on Amazon a $0.01 a pop?

Each person's access seems to be different. The best advice is 'try and see.' And just because you get one failure notice doesn't mean it won't work. I try to log in a couple of time and it fails, then it lets me in the third time.