
Oh I didn't know that! I might have to tune in.

I grew up on OLTL. Though I wil admit, after the REAL Todd left, I haven't had much interest in the show.

Ok, but when. I can't find the episode. I have a vague idea that it happened off screen and then they told people about it, but in what season?

I was thinking about them. Did they actually get married? I can't recall.

Yeah, but does it have a flush like a jet liner taking off?

They warn you right away in the first fight with a ghost the swords and weapons don't work against them and that you should level up your other attacks (like magic) to keep ready. This is like the third or fourth real combat in the gamen (I've played Jade Empire a LOT), so you know before you even leave your 'home

Yeah, but the distinction isn't apes. We are apes, by every definition of the word. I still love the movies (well, not all of them), don't get me wrong, but I can't just ignore the fact that it's a false dichotomy.

I'm not gonna lie, the idea of building my very own sustainable sci-fi city of the future appeals to many, many parts of my nerd heart.

Now she will be made fun of as the girl who had plastic surgery in first grade.

Bothers me every single time. Bothers me in the original movie.

Rise of the Apes was such a better title. Now it just sounds like and SNL skit.

I don't even have to go two generations back to find family I hate for petty reasons.

See, I thought they were making a statue to the good Doctor Banzai and his trusted staff. ;)

There are a few dud episodes, but over all it is a really solid show. They deal with some really interesting concepts and they have a wonderful cast.

Odyssey 5!

For some people sure, fun is enough. But for some people it really does lend a clarity of mind and focus. Different people respond very differently to the drug. Like I said, it is not something everyone take to simply dull their mind.

I'm not talking about mysticism at all. I'm talking about how some people, like Carl Sagan, use it as a tool to help them think in a way they can't the rest of the time. It's not mystical to say it expands your mind, it's in fact, a scientific truth.

Well, if you are at all mature and understand cannabis the way a man like Marley does, then this is frankly awesome. It's not, as most people see it, a tool for numbing your mind. Aside from its many uses in daily life it is a naturally occurring chemical that when placed in your body, can lead you to a deeper

I think I love you like five times more than I already did (which is saying a lot) because you spelled it 'Hannah.'