
I think when the big "goth" place to go for clothes was in the mall next to 'Clarie's' goth pretty much lost its edge. It's been 'hip look without originality' fodder for a long, long time.

He didn't do the Hobbit because there were a lot of things on his plate (not all of them directing) and he could move forward on none of them. This was one of them, but it was really about how he couldn't commit to ANYTHING while The Hobbit was still looming, not getting any closer to getting made.

Don't forget that the wolfbuffalomanbearpig is actually MORE attractive as a beast than a man. Oh the cries of "CHANGE BACK" from my friends and I as we watched that film.

There is only one store in my town that actually sells Greek yogurt and it's pretty costly. But if it's that or buy the giant tub that always spoils, I'm willing to go the extra mile for the Greek.

It's not often I know more about a PA comic than Mr. Gotham, so I got the joy of explaining to him what this one was about.

Ok, look, I LOVE Pitch Black. Like, it's one of my top ten movies. But I just wanted to murder people while watching TCoR. It was like a fan fic (only worse, I've read some pretty decent PB fanfic).

It's very, very true. Sure, fatty foods in excess are bad for you, but so is everything. If you have a balanced diet it won't make any difference if you have whole milk or skim milk, if you have real cottage cheese or some styrofoam replica. What matters is that you eat other things to keep your diet in balance.

Go to your local store and find any regular yogurt (not low-fat) beside a massive container that will spoil in your frige long before you can eat it all. Hell, try to find simply non-flavored yogurt. I dare you. Then look at how much sugar is in the 'low-fat' yogurt. Sugar turns to fat in your body people. Just

ME 1 was made on a very tight budget and it shows. Though the game play isn't going to light anyone on fire, the story is pretty wonderful. It's made even more so by the way it is extended in ME 2. Few sequels do anything more than just jump on the back of existing story, but ME 1 and 2 create a rich, real world

I don't want to sound like one of 'those people,' but what the hell. Most of the people who watch tv are idiots. Want proof, go look at the ratings of Two and a Half Men, and how they are affected by the news.

I've heard that, but are their other Airbenders, or is Aang's son the last? That's what interests me.

I have a feeling that in Sheen's mind the crimes he committed against women are so small as to not even warrant concern when planning his 'media image.'

What I want is a exploration of what will happen to the Airbenders. I mean since Aang was the last one there can't be many left durring this show, and all of them are probably his children. Can the line of Avatars continue without Airbenders?

I'm not sure how much I will like this movie, but I sure like what it does for connecting Kevin Bacon to a lot of awesome people.

I could go on and on about all the things that are wrong with GOP 'budget cuts.' Suffices to say, I hope that this current congress and it's bonehead moves will create a backlash so we can at least take back a some state houses, because you're right, if state houses are not for putting more time and money into

Some of that is also may be memory bias. You recall the ones right up front because they stand out more in your memory, but after the sixth or seventh thing comes flying at your head the effect isn't so 'shocking' anymore, and they don't get remembered as well.

Those people who expected sweeping reform were doomed to be disappointed. Those people like me who thought Obama was a bit more flash than substance, on the other hand, have been pleasantly surprised, and are eager to support him in the future (though I sure as hell wouldn't mind some education reform).

"the meticulous conversion is being done with utmost respect for the source material"

While I sometimes agree (working in a university I know all to well how sometimes studies exist just so people can prove they are doing research) you would be surprised how many real medical and scientific breakthroughs originate in seemingly meaningless and unrelated studies.

Why haven’t we cured cancer yet? -