
Well, I know I can't stand Dark Knight Returns. I like Year One but Miller had something in that book called restraint.

"And by far the most dangerous location (for both dog and cat induced injuries) is the home of the pet owner."

Actually, the global gag rule (which is thankfully be opposed by the current administration) as well as US lead abstinence-only based global sex ed efforts are a real problem for developing countries that would better be served by honest education and access to birth control.

True, but there is also a risk that many of the high population areas right now along cost lines will vanish, forcing people inland to share already overcrowded land.

So basically, we're talking about a starving dinosaur here.

So much anger.

"there's no bathroom system in this game"

I really think it shows that this wasn't just the random death of a D-list hero at the hand of a D-list villain, it show that they were both really rich character who had lives and choices that lead them both to that point.

With the picture, I don't know, I thought this was going to be about someone animating a Firefly series. My heart felt light and joyous. Now I'm just sad.

You do make a good point. I just wanted a Wonder Woman who'd already cut her teeth, so to speak. But, I am also picturing Palicki from Supernatural and what I am remembering was almost seven years ago.

About what was expected. It was to much to hope for them dream (already mentioned down thread) Gina Torres.

Welcome to how most American's pictured Harry Potter before the movies. Yes, it does often suck to live here.

To clarify, they don't care AT ALL if a movie is good. They care if people will pay for it.

If they go with his script. The script can go through many changes, official and not (usually done on set), before it's done. The first draft is very, very rarely what is on screen, especially in big budget movies like this. Though, given the rushed nature of this production, I have no idea how they are approaching

Actually, with the story in I Can't Believe it's Not the Justice Legue (seriously, folks should read that), his death has a lot more resonance. But, even die hard DC readers might have missed that run.

Can't say I'm surprised about Sucker Punk. You can only take out so much story and replace it with sexism veiled as 'empowerment' before people start to notice.

Oh, Nolan has already made some statements that he's walked away form this production, and is not responsible for what comes out of it.

Better still to not have complex, dragging sections of explanations or expositions and instead have a narrative that flows at the same fun pace through the whole book. But that is much, much, much harder. So this is a good option two.

The CGI T-800 was the only thing I liked about Salvation. It felt, for a moment, like I was watching a real Terminator film again.

Here, here!!