Thebest part of so many films.
Thebest part of so many films.
I'm not the biggest Seth Rogen fan. Ok, I kinda hate the guy. But a few of the GH stills, well, gee, they kinda make me want to see Rogan do a serious film. I think I would actually be interested in that.
You were only waiting for the moment.... to rain down and freak people the hell out.
@lightninglouie: Best idea ever.
Though it had little chance of being made, and less chance of being all that fun to watch (John Lennon as Gollum, *shudder*), I would have just died over a soundtrack to this.
@Arken: BBC radio dramas, a source of never ending awesome.
@Maxjes: It was 2.50 for a day there. I sent out an urgent message to all my friends. They thought I was crazy, but the world needed to know.
@Serge.: I thought it was in Attack of the Clones, in the background somewhere. Those three movies are all just blurred attempts to make as many references to the originals trilogy as they could. At least in my memory.
@Lassus: I think he does know a lot about the composition of stories. But, he's no where near as unbiased as he likes to think (most of what I've watched of his reviews is just personal opinion). And his cleverness is a one trick pony.
@PBV: Yeah but 2/3rds of Avatar's money was a hell of a lot of money. I'm not saying they won't make their budget back, I think they will (and lets not forget the all important toy sales that will really dictate if there will be more Tron). But hoping for Avatar like money is just not realistic thinking.
@djscruffy: It's been said before, but I'll say it again. The idea that third movies are always bad is such a silly argument. Sure, there are some bad third films (X-men anyone) but there is also a host of amazing third films. Last Crusade, Die Hard.
@Illundiel: Sky High is the unknown best film ever. I can't get over how great it is.
@Illundiel: I thought that might be the case, but I wanted an excuse to post the trailer. :)
If we are going to get the next chapter in a John Carpenter 80's classic then I demand we get the continued adventures of Jack Burton.
@FrankN.Stein: A lot of people I know got the paper reporting, but none ever got picked for the actual box.
@houser: They are suited to a certain environment. That can be 'better' in one place and 'worse' in another.
@Nivenus: Yeah, the idea that there is an 'better evolved' and a 'worse evolved' or that because something is more recently evolved that it is 'more evolved.' All related misunderstands that drive me crazy.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: I like that idea, but I think if that is the case then having it made in part of scrubs would make it even better, and even more fitting to her back story.