
I almost always look at how many characters the story is about. If it really is just about one person or a couple, it's probably a short story. But if it's about a group of people then it is a novel.

I'm unclear is this a drama? A daytime soap? A nighttime soap?

@lightninglouie: No one cares about the microwaves anymore. Even the one with rotating trays.

@MelissaMahoney: No, I think he makes a very good point. We are so caught up in this cultural image of thin that even well intentioned, open minded men can't tell when they've been brainwashed.

@Zuldim: I think, and this is just from memory, in the first film when Bats come to see Jim he talks to his wife in the kitchen and calls her Barbara. I'm not all that sure about that scene, but I think it happened then.

@FrankN.Stein: His wife is also named Barbara. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure they establish that both his wife and daughter are named Barbara between the two films.

So we've give up hope that Barbara's real (by real I mean the one I like the most) backstory (adopted by Jim after his wife leaves him) will make it into the movies.

@mindsale: I was on your side in this till you said "fucktard children." It's sort of hard to hold the higher ground on this issue when you say things like that.

@♠ Final ♠: I guess that depends on what you didn't like about it. It stops being a murder mystery and gets a more serial story, but Willingham's thing has always been storybook characters meta-analyzing themselves and their stories. If that isn't your cup of tea then Fables will probably never appeal to you.

@Muskrat 42: From what I heard it comes back after a while. It's just a temporary thing.

@clumsyninja: Many, many, many more people go to ComicCon.

Science -

I always ask Mr. Gotham if he wants to go to these (conventions of really any kind). He says, "why would I want to, I already met a girl."

The title is a lie. I find #10 very sexy.

If I were a GOP leader I would straight up pay her to not run. I'm talking millions of dollars, right in her pocket. It would be worth it to them.

Supernatural episode 7? I feel way behind. Then again, I like to wait until there are 10-12 ready for me then just watch them all at once.

Ok, you know what, I'm tired off hearing about all the things I'm doing wrong as a woman. I'm not eating right, I'm not wearing my clothes right, I'm not having babies on the right schedule.