He is not... and they should’ve kicked Pelly out of the game for standing up while the “puck is in play”
He is not... and they should’ve kicked Pelly out of the game for standing up while the “puck is in play”
It wouldn’t be nice if he politicized it. The blogger of this peice has “put words into his mouth that he did not say or intend” So, your assuming he is on your side of the argument, because the blogger assumed his position. “Something” isn’t code for banning guns or “gun reform”
Those Klipsch speakers are really good. They are going to be atop The Wirecutter list without doubt, for bookshelf speakers. I got the cherry ones for 99 bucks on amazon.......would pay 200 for them. I haven’t pushed them for loudness, but they are really efficient and fills the room as good as a 4in woofer can
Those Klipsch speakers are really good. They are going to be atop The Wirecutter list without doubt, for bookshelf…
Hulk Hogan?
6 hours dedicated? Sounds like we won’t get P1, P2, and P3 and knowing ESPN, a few of the Q’s, if any
Jenna is literally the perfect person for Pam (up until she became straight hair hot pam) but even more, she is what everyone hopes their favorite actor would be concerning the show they were on. She is a very excellent follow on twitter and quotes the Office stuff all the time ( i.e. Chili’s)
They can’t handle our freedom. Our giant, vein throbbing, hairy freedom.
I hope this isn’t your best.
This is a little bit on the nose......but the two drivers have 26k followers and Alonso have 2.5mil...........and since this was the most attended and (most watched?) 24hrs Daytona..........I’m sure a few drivers and owners will appreciate the extra cash
Not sure on what planet, do these agents think they can win the hearts and minds of Mr. 70k a year 50 hour work week, in their fight for their players so they can go from 70k a game to 85k a game.
“who are stars in their own shitty reality show more than they are writers or bloggers”
lord, this didn’t even made the papers or the 9pm news and you consider this a shake up?
The deadspin crusade for a bad singing crazy woman with a pedophile brother, an abusive father, and enough drugs in the rest of the family to put CVS out of business has finally come to its end.
Tommy can not watch the children, bath the children, feed the children and keep the children from acting up all by himself - Giselle, when ask why they have 3 nannys for each child when both her and tom are home.
They look like the Hawks of 10,13,15 with the excellent cycle. Shit like this brings us so much hope for Hawks fans, but damn they look too old and too young at the same time
They paid Paul Pierce more money in a hand full of seasons than Jordan did his whole career. Pretty sure they owe nothing more to that little fake injury bitch ass. Its petty, and its just right for Paul Pierce
Not this fucking mope again. EE is as knowledgeable as the fat auto zone guy in the commercial.
a male feminist is code for Snake in the grass
Now that Ive read more into the WHOLE STORY, I don’t think is as dumb as it seems. Its still a dumb way to fix a issue, but I’m more leaning to fixing the issue than to leave it as