Hochuli doesn't do leg days

Not sure on what planet, do these agents think they can win the hearts and minds of Mr. 70k a year 50 hour work week, in their fight for their players so they can go from 70k a game to 85k a game.

“who are stars in their own shitty reality show more than they are writers or bloggers”

lord, this didn’t even made the papers or the 9pm news and you consider this a shake up?

The deadspin crusade for a bad singing crazy woman with a pedophile brother, an abusive father, and enough drugs in the rest of the family to put CVS out of business has finally come to its end.

“paint a false equivalency between the image shared by The Mash Report and theoretical images of a woman reporter chowing down on women leaders.”

There is a difference between the “Internet” and the “BBC” Your racist Uncle picture on facebook isn’t the same as a promoted picture by the fucking BBC.

Tommy can not watch the children, bath the children, feed the children and keep the children from acting up all by himself - Giselle, when ask why they have 3 nannys for each child when both her and tom are home.

You forgot Ditka, Butkus, and Urlacher

They look like the Hawks of 10,13,15 with the excellent cycle. Shit like this brings us so much hope for Hawks fans, but damn they look too old and too young at the same time

No, but alot of people eat bullets......................

as a mother, I feel like the best approach to this problem is.........................

They paid Paul Pierce more money in a hand full of seasons than Jordan did his whole career. Pretty sure they owe nothing more to that little fake injury bitch ass. Its petty, and its just right for Paul Pierce

Not this fucking mope again. EE is as knowledgeable as the fat auto zone guy in the commercial.

a male feminist is code for Snake in the grass

Now that Ive read more into the WHOLE STORY, I don’t think is as dumb as it seems. Its still a dumb way to fix a issue, but I’m more leaning to fixing the issue than to leave it as

Is that the new Honda Odyssey..........nvm

are we sure that is keyed? You had to spend alot of time doing that. They also didn’t touch the headlights and the lines are too squirmy and happen at weird angles. Paint doesn’t look like it got dented either.....im calling bullshit

guyzzzz, cold weather in Chicago in January and snow in the Sahara is perfectly explainable by global war....errrr Climate Cha......errrr Global wea......errrr .....weather cycl...............................


So when you don’t sign free agents and “THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE, gets hurt, then unless you have the 85 Bears behind him, your gonna lose your job