Hochuli doesn't do leg days

Thank you for writing a story and not a political opinionated hit piece in which you describe everyone who doesn’t agree with you 100% on this issue as a idiot, fucktard, bigot, racist, sexist, or etc but passing it off as an actual news story.

Because there people like Toothless who still thinks they are winning this war, but Colin is still riding the couch and less and less are kneeling everyday and the boo’s are getting louder 

Probably about 275 million people who think the Anthem, flag and the military are one and the same. but yeah you can keep thinking your in the far majority, but I have yet to hear a stadium cheer for a kneel

So not a new Type R motor, but a used Type R motor not from a 2017 Honda Civic Type R but a EDM 2015 Honda Civic Type R Motor

So who is going to report the 700 plus murders a year in Chicago now.

BBQ Chicken 4 corner at Jets is UN FUCKING REAL but cost TOO MUCH FUCKING MONEY. 15 dollar, might as well get a real fucking pizza

I find no fault in this.

Suspiciously timed........says the media....who reported...the 8 month old story....in which they can write another story....about the suspiciously timed story.

Kid lost me at dusty screen........

keep fighting the good fight.....maybe Colin will be able to buy a ticket to see a football game one day

I’m fine with this..........

Its amazing how bad BDC departments are at actually selling of cars. The automatic replies, the constant calling, refusal to give a price quote.I understand that everyone asks for a price and only the dealerships are held to the fire on e.v.e.r.y.l.i.t.t.l.e.t.h.i.n.g. they say, but still, the dealerships can get your

and we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!

Does Deadspin still thinks the players are “Winning”

Christ, he announced this exactly 28 years, 7 months, 4 days after he did Exxon Valdez, does he have no shame!!!!!!!!!!

Give him some slack, pretty sure he plagiarized Woodward and Bernstein on this one.

True, he didn’t need to lower his shoulder, having running through the slide, therefore putting his fucking knee into his head would be a better alternative

Can she play in the girls tournament in the spring, even though her school does not have a girls teams......can she play in both the Boys and Girls tournament.....

Probably the same thing, I mean its dumb to think he purposely left the camera on, and if he purposely left the camera on, you would think he wouldn’t hold back anyways.

Misguided? Did you find a new word today?